TMP36 trouble

I am simply reading the temp in the room which is (68.5 degrees F) then displaying the temp on two 7 segment displays as int and not float so not decimal points just a round two digit figure. I have a 5 sec delay between readings and its reading all over the place, jumping around. It will say 69 then 71 then 66 then back to 71 then back to 66. Why would it be switching between 66 and 71? Is this a normal fluctuation or bad readings?

I attached the code at the bottom. Any insight would be awesome. The TMP36 is wired up pretty basic, 5V, analog pin 5, and gnd.

ArduinoWorkshop20.ino (1.33 KB)

try making your math float

voltage = (sensor * 5000.0)/1024.0;