Hello folks and fellow buidlers,
for school me and my colegues are working on a project, and one aspect of this project is to detect a "marker" from a 0.5m distance, and i need help!
It comes down to this: we have this hovercraft, and using an arduino kit we have to detect this marker (witch we can design ourselves) and use the signal to set an action in motion, fully atomatic.
the one specification for the marker is that is is not allowed to contain any active components (no power source).
A lot we have already designed, but the litle part of the sensor, and what it is goin to sense we have no qlue about. I've looked up a lot of sensors, but most dont reach the 50cm we need, or come with dificulties relaying the signal back.
the code and programming are a problem we can look into in a later stadium...
so: any suggestions of witch sensor to use, and what to sense is very mutch apreciated, the size of the hovercraft is about 60x60, and the power source delivers 8V-12V (depending on the type of engine we use) and around 1500mAh. the basis starts with an arduino kit, and a sensor, witch has to detect this marker.
any help is mutch apriciated, and im srry for any spelling mistakes I may have made.
Koen de Knegt
HZ university of aplied siences.