Another SimRail controller i'm building (Polish railway simulator 'game') this time it's the door switch and 'driver safety / acknowledgement' button panel.
2 x toggle switches, a spring loaded toggle switch, 3 push buttons, 2 of them are illuminated buttons.
I have it working sending the required keyboard keys when i operate the switches, and push buttons, and lighting up the led's in the 2 push buttons when needed.
If i press one of the illuminated push buttons, it sends the keyboard key for changing the camera view,
if i press the other illuminated push button, it sends a different keyboard key for another camera view.
I'd like to be able to press both buttons together and have it send a 3rd keyboard key.
i.e. if left button pressed, sends key '1', right button pressed sends key '4', if both button pressed sends key '5'
i tried to do this with the 'state machine' is it? .. code i'm using, but it didn't work... one button is always detected pushed before the other, and of course that buttons key is sent as soon as it's pressed, then the other one.
I'm thinking i may need some more complex code to store the buttons pressed state and use a timer to detect if another button is pressed within a certain time send out the '5' key.
Or maybe better, detect a button held down for longer than say 150ms, and then wait for the next button to be pressed to send the '5' key (i could then have 2 extra keys sent, depending on which button i hold down first)
#include <Keyboard.h> // Keyboard library
const int leftButtonPin = 2; // Left 'doors open' light button
const int leftDoorTogglePin = 3; // Pin left doors open / close toggle switch is connected to
const int doorsClosingBuzzerPin = 5; // Doors closing buzzer switch
const int rightDoorTogglePin = 7; // Right doors open / close toggle switch
const int rightButtonPin = 9; // Right 'doors open' light button
const int shpPin = 10; // SHP button
const int leftDoorsOpenLightPin = A0; // Left doors open light
const int rightDoorsOpenLightPin = A1; // Right doors open light
int leftButtonState = 0; // current state of the switch
int lastleftButtonState = 0; // previous state of the switch
int leftDoorToggleState = 0;
int lastleftDoorToggleState = 0;
int doorsClosingBuzzerState = 0;
int lastdoorsClosingBuzzerState = 0;
int rightDoorToggleState = 0;
int lastrightDoorToggleState = 0;
int rightButtonState = 0;
int lastrightButtonState = 0;
int shpState = 0;
int lastshpState = 0;
void setup() {
Keyboard.begin(); // start keyboard functions
//Define input pin modes
pinMode(leftButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(leftDoorTogglePin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(doorsClosingBuzzerPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(rightDoorTogglePin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(rightButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(shpPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
//Define output pin modes
pinMode(leftDoorsOpenLightPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rightDoorsOpenLightPin, OUTPUT);
analogWrite(leftDoorsOpenLightPin, 0); // Make sure led if off on startup
analogWrite(rightDoorsOpenLightPin, 0);
} // End of void setup
void loop() {
// read the switch input pins:
leftButtonState = digitalRead(leftButtonPin);
leftDoorToggleState = digitalRead(leftDoorTogglePin);
doorsClosingBuzzerState = digitalRead(doorsClosingBuzzerPin);
rightDoorToggleState = digitalRead(rightDoorTogglePin);
rightButtonState = digitalRead(rightButtonPin);
shpState = digitalRead(shpPin);
if (leftButtonState != lastleftButtonState) { // compare the switchState to its previous state
if (leftButtonState == LOW) { // if the current state is LOW then the button went from off to on:
Keyboard.print('1'); // Send single '1' key, sets camera to cab view
if (leftDoorToggleState != lastleftDoorToggleState) {
if (leftDoorToggleState == LOW) {
analogWrite(leftDoorsOpenLightPin, 255); // Turn on left led when left door switch is on
Keyboard.print('['); // Send single '[' key for Doors Left Open
} else {
analogWrite(leftDoorsOpenLightPin, 0); // Turn off led when switch off
Keyboard.print('='); //Send single '=' key for doors close
if (doorsClosingBuzzerState != lastdoorsClosingBuzzerState) {
if (doorsClosingBuzzerState == LOW) {'-'); // Press and hold '-' key for Doors Closing Buzzer
} else {
Keyboard.release('-'); // Release minus key
if (rightDoorToggleState != lastrightDoorToggleState) {
if (rightDoorToggleState == LOW) {
analogWrite(rightDoorsOpenLightPin, 255);
Keyboard.print(']'); //Send single ']' key for Doors Open Right
} else {
analogWrite(rightDoorsOpenLightPin, 0);
Keyboard.print('='); // Send single '=' key for Doors Close
if (rightButtonState != lastrightButtonState) {
if (rightButtonState == LOW) {
Keyboard.print('4'); // Send single '4' key, changes camera to external view, looking back along train, press again to cycle to next external view camera
if (rightButtonState != lastrightButtonState && leftButtonState != lastleftButtonState) {
if (rightButtonState == LOW && leftButtonState == LOW) {// If both buttons pressed together
Keyboard.print('5'); // trying to send single 5 key that will change camera to 'previous' external view,
if (shpState != lastshpState) {
if (shpState == LOW) {; // Press and hold spacebar key
} else if (shpState == HIGH) {
Keyboard.release(32); // Release spacebar key
delay(50); // Delay to avoid switch bounce
// Save the current state as the last state for next time through the loop
lastleftButtonState = leftButtonState;
lastleftDoorToggleState = leftDoorToggleState;
lastdoorsClosingBuzzerState = doorsClosingBuzzerState;
lastrightDoorToggleState = rightDoorToggleState;
lastrightButtonState = rightButtonState;
lastshpState = shpState;
} //end of void loop