Toggle switch on Arduino


I'm using toggle switch with arduino and I want to achieve press button (only once) when toggle switch is active:

   if(digitalRead(7) == 0)
      if(digitalRead(7) != 0)

but in this scenario button is constantly pressed. How to achieve that button will be pressed only once, but same time toggle switch is active?

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try using a flag

I'm ussing toggle switch to type a '7' when button is active. But he keeps repeating the same "7". What I want to achieve is that it will only type or press once even if the switch is active. I edited the code I added.

bool state=0;

if(digitalRead(7) == 0 && state==0)

      if(digitalRead(7) != 0)

This should work as you said

Post the complete sketch to see how we can help.

Can you post a small schematic showing the button/switch and how it is wired. Please include all power sources.

To many braces }

Oops . i fixed it. Thanks

We do not know your complete program, if blocking for the time you press the button is ok, this would do it also

if(digitalRead(7) == 0)
      delay(20);  //Poor man's debouncing 
      while(digitalRead(7) == 0) {}; \\Wait until button released 

It worked, thank you.
But why it is not working with if inside if?:

bool state=0;

if(digitalRead(7) == 0 && state==0)
      if(digitalRead(7) != 0)

I'm just curious.

Here I first initialise a variable name "state".
Now if(digitalRead(7) == 0 && state==0) checks if you have pressed the button on pin 7 and the state== 0 assure that this is first time functions is executing. After that the state=1 represent that the function Keyboard.write('7') has already executed. And the statement if(digitalRead(7) == 0 && state==0) is no longer true.

Now when you release the button the second statement if(digitalRead(7) != 0) reset state to 0. And the loop continues.

That because only one statement can be true at a time. Either digitalRead(7) != 0 or digitalRead(7) == 0

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