Hi there,
extremely inexperienced Arduino newb here. So I am in the middle of doing a metronome project, and that includes a buzzer beeping and an LED blinking simultaneously to show the tempo.
There are 2 things I'd like to ask, because I really suck at this and I got no idea how to do it.
How do I make the reset button work all the time? What I mean is that right now, it is set to check if the button is pressed in the beginning of the while loop, which means that 35% of the time it doesn't break the loop when I press it. Is there a way for me to fix that?
If I were to add a button, that turns off the buzzer but keeps the LED blinking, without breaking the loop, is there a way I could do that?
I would appreciate a reply so much!
- Todd
const int buttonStart = 5; // button to start the metronome
const int buttonReset = 4; // button to turn it off
const int buzzer = 3; // buzzer
const int led = 2; // led
const int pot = A0; // potentiometer
const int minBPM = 20; // minimum bpm
const int maxBPM = 240; // maximum bpm
int bpm; // beats per minute
int valStart; // start button value
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6); // lcd (rs, rw, e, d4, d5, d6, d7)
void setup()
pinMode (buzzer, OUTPUT);
pinMode (led, OUTPUT);
pinMode (buttonStart, INPUT);
pinMode (buttonReset, INPUT);
lcd.begin(16, 2); // lcd setup
void loop()
bpm = map(analogRead(pot), 0, 1023, minBPM, maxBPM); // reads potentiometer value, scaled from 0-1023 to the minBPM - maxBPM range
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // prints out bpm on lcd
lcd.print(" ");
valStart = digitalRead(buttonStart); // reads start button value
if (valStart == 1) // if start button is pressed
while(1) // begins a loop
if (digitalRead(buttonReset) == HIGH) // if reset button is pressed
break; // ends the loop
bpm = map(analogRead(pot), 0, 1023, minBPM, maxBPM); // reads pot value within the loop so that it can be changed during the loop
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" ");
int bpms = 60000 / bpm; // beats per milliseconds
int beepTime = 0.1 * bpms; // duration of metronome beeps is 10% of the bpms
int delayBetweenBeeps = 0.9 * bpms; // time between beeps is the other 90% of the bpms
tone(buzzer,2000); // buzzer turns on
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // led turns on
delay(beepTime); // duration of metronome beep
noTone(buzzer); // buzzer turns off
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // led turns off
delay(delayBetweenBeeps); // time between beeps
// this loops until reset button is pressed