Tomy/Radio Shack Armatron Interfacing Archive

All - I just wanted to let you know about an archive I just released on my website, which includes articles and information on interfacing the Armatron to a computer (or a microcontroller, like the Arduino); it can be found at:

In addition - if you are looking for an Armatron to hack, I just found out that Discovery re-released it as the "Spark":

I hope that the archive will help somebody out there, or at least give them some inspiration!


After I wrote my article and found the Discovery Spark, I went to Amazon and purchased one, as well as an OWI-535 Edge.

Well, they arrived today.

First impressions, based on the unopened boxes?

OWI-535 Edge: The box is fairly large, and the packaging is well designed and fairly eye-catching. It reminds me of a Lego kit.

Discovery Spark: Still ugly as sin for a robot arm, but what caught my eye first was the shape of the packaging; if you've ever seen the original packaging of a real Armatron, you know it is about the dimensions (maybe a little larger?) of a concrete block (8"x8"x16"). The box that the Spark came in does not look like it could hold an Armatron - unless they have made it with a removable base. If you have ever taken an Armatron apart, you know about the complex interior gearing system...

I intend to take some pictures of both of these items and put them on my site, hopefully this weekend. I will likely do a side-by-side comparison with one of my other Armatrons; I might also introduce the Armatron I intend to convert to computer control at some point. For the Edge, I am thinking about doing an assembly article, and perhaps implementing computer control of it using an Arduino (yes, I know it has been done already).

We'll see how things go, as I find the time...
