TOO Many contributed Libraries, Can't see them to include ??

Hi Everyone,

The Arduino community is fantastic and I have collected and use MANY contributed libraries.

Problem: When doing Sketch>Import Library the list rins off the bottom of my screen and I can't select some of them!

Also, File>Examples has a similar problem.

Anyone found a way to manage this?? I hate to start removing libraries... And subfolders don't work for this as far as I can see...

Any suggestions appreciated!

On my MacBook Pro running Mac OS 10.7.5 the over-long menus show a little arrow at the top and/or bottom. Hovering the cursor on the arrow causes the menu to scroll. It works for Arduino 1.0.5 "Sketch -> Import library...", "File -> Sketchbook" and "File -> Examples" menus, all of which are taller than the screen.

Hey John,

Ratz.. No little arrows on my Win7 machine. I'll check my wife's mac..

One of my Very Occasional bouts of MacEnvy 8)

Same problem on WinXP. (Took a while to duplicate my libraries and rename them so quantity exceeded my screen height. Afterwards I thought I could have reduced screen resolution ...) Incidentally, using the arrow-keys I could select any library in the list .. but I had to imagine how far down "below" the screen edge my cursor was. :fearful:

I have the same problem with the IDE and had to start using the Enhanced IDE by eried to display all the libraries. I have tried everything to use the official IDE with no luck.

This is a common problem, and one I have looked at addressing in MPIDE. My current solution is to break the libraries and examples down into sub-menus, grouped by their location, or "class" - "core" libraries (.../libraries), "hardware specific" libraries (.../hardware/target/libraries), contributed libraries (.../sketchbook/libraries), etc.

It's something maybe Arduino should think about adopting in some form.

Also the sketchbook menu needs overhauling. On my experimental MPIDE version I have a maximum of 20 entries in the sketchbook menu, and at the top of the menu is a "more >" entry, which opens up another menu with 20 entries - again with its own "more >" entry. It can chain as many of those together as it needs, and with my sketchbook folder it needs a lot :wink:

Again something Arduino should think about implementing in some form...

Again something Arduino should think about implementing in some form...

Irrespective of whether you're using Arduino, it would be sensible to adopt a directory structure that groups related sketches together into a logical hierarchy instead of dumping them into a flat directory. And, if you did this, you would find that the Arduino IDE presents the resulting directory structure via some nice walking menus - IMO this is much better than simply allowing the list to overflow onto 'more' pages and I recommend you follow that approach for the MPIDE you mention.

Terry, see if this gives some insight

it would be sensible to adopt a directory structure that groups related sketches together into a logical hierarchy instead of dumping them into a flat directory

Oh yes. And it indeed that works. But Terry asked about the LIBRARIES folder, not sketches, and he writes:

And subfolders don't work for this as far as I can see...

Nor for me. Works fine for sketches.

@Msquare, thanks for the pointer; maybe we can eventually get this fixed...