Top bar empty

Has anybody noticed that the top bar (with the Arduino logo, search, basket and user icon / sign in) is empty at occasion?

This seems to happen (not necessarily immediately) after one opens a second tab in the browser and navigates to the website.
Windows 10, Firefox 77.0.1 (64 bit).

Dear Arduino web developers, please stop using the website as your playground.

Has anybody noticed that the top bar (with the Arduino logo, search, basket and user icon / sign in) is empty at occasion?

Hmmm. Don't quite recall seeing that - though I might have very rarely - but are you suggesting it becomes a more useless waste of display real estate than it already is? :cold_sweat:

Fixed the top bar nicely!

I am really happy now - except I don't have Adblock Plus on my tablet. :roll_eyes:

It does occasionally happen and more so if you are actually in the FORUM.

The F5 or simple refresh often fixes it.

This is part and parcel of the larger forum issues mentioned elsewhere in this section under "repeat emails"

The F5 or simple refresh often fixes it.

Never had that happen :wink: