Total Beginners in Search of Product Recommendations :)

Hello everyone,

We are design students from Germany and want to implement the Arduino products into one of our current design projects.
But we are not quite sure which of those items would suit our project the best. We’d be grateful for some advice.

Our plan is to use real plants as an interactive interface, which means starting a video/animation on a screen via touching the plants.
We already know that this only works, because the electric circuit is rooted.

We’ve already found some sort of project which is quite similar to the one we want to build… but nevertheless we are not sure what kind of hardware was used in this certain case.

Maybe it’s also important to note that this will be our first prototype to check if our project is possible at all. So we suspect that we do not need any casing or cooling system for the first step.

Further we would appreciate any help in how to program the platine correctly.

Maybe anyone can recommend some kind of hardware and software which suits best for this case.

Thank you, we are looking forward to your answer.

Philipp & Johanna

Arduino has 10 bit analog to digital capability, takes a fraction of a millisecond to read.
Resistance on plant leaves changes in response to environment including people. Good luck.

Arduino keeps track of time, the micros() function tells to the nearest 4 usec how long since startup as an unsigned 32-bit value. Since it is unsigned you can get the difference between 2 time marks by subtracting the start time from the end time. As long as the times are not farther apart than the variable can hold the answer will =always= be correct regardless of rollover just because of unsigned math.
It is the same as with round 12 hour clocks, pick any 2 hours as long as they are less than 12 hours apart and you can move the hour backward (subtracting) from the end hour as many hours as the start hour number and the hand will end up on the difference. If end hour is 3 and start hour is 6, 6 back from 3 is 9 == hours from 6 to 3.

Coding will be a large part of your job. On microcontrollers you have differences to PC's to learn and work with.

Grüße aus Oberbayern :wink:

I'm guessing you already found

I would suggest to build this 1:1, after that you have enough understanding of the electronics and software involved to adapt it to your own project.