Touch Key input by I2C method in Arduino uno and serial output method

Dear All;
I need a help about source code. How can find the "Touch Key input by I2C method in Arduino uno and serial output method" source file. If anybody have source file plz. help me.

Best Regards

What the hell are you talking about? I've never heard of any project with that title. Can you describe what it is supposed to do? Or give us any clue as to what you are going on about?

This isn't the place to get free code handed to you. This is a place to get help with the code you write. If you want someone to just give you some code, then you need to post in "Gigs and Collaborations" and offer to pay someone to give you the code.

How can I change 1 byte to 2 byte below code :

void setup(){ // Initialisation des ressources

Serial.begin(9600); // Initialisation Terminal Série
pinMode(SDA, INPUT);
pinMode(SCL, INPUT);// Initialisation I2C
void loop(){
//Wire.requestFrom(8, 2); // request 2 bytes
Wire.beginTransmission(4); // MAX30100 write
Wire.write( 0x00); // select register 0, status register
Wire.endTransmission( false); // repeated start
int n = Wire.requestFrom(0x40, 2); // request a single byte.
if( n != 2) // not the amount received that was requested ?
Serial.println("Error, I2C bus or sensor error");
byte status =;
Serial.print("Received : 0x");
Serial.println( status, HEX);
Serial.println(; // show every bytes



Output is as below

when I press touch key :

Receive : 0xFD (only two 1 byte)

I need 2 byte output.

Output is as below

when I press touch key :

Receive : 0xFD (only two 1 byte)

I need 2 byte output.

Your code does nothing unless that ARE two bytes received.

 int n = Wire.requestFrom(0x40, 2);    // request a single byte.

Useless comments look REALLY stupid when they don't match the code.

    Serial.println(;              // show every bytes

EVERY is NOT the same as ONE.

Why are you printing the second byte different from the first one? Perhaps if you printed them the same way, a clue-by-four would whack you.