Touch senors plus software controlled sounds: HELP

My team hasn't hired a programmer or electrical wiz yet, so in the meantime I am looking for guidance from people who know! Personally have never worked with controllers, only analog simple circuits.
This is an art sculpture...

There are 10-20 touch sensitive points on the sculpture. Each one would be programmed to light up and produce a different sound when touched. (Arduino programmed to communicate with software)

Does each point need its own arduino?
Or can they all be wired to a single arduino with each different sound assigned to its specific point?
Also anyone have a favorite and trusted touch sensitive capacitor they've used for projects?

I know these questions are all pretty broad, but your knowledge is everything! Please share what you know!

Does each point need its own arduino?

No, you can do it with one.

Also anyone have a favorite and trusted touch sensitive capacitor they've used for projects?

Do a bit more research, touch capacitors are not easy to use in an installation like this.

Each one would be programmed to light up and produce a different sound

Lighting is easy, producing a sound is not so. You can use the Lady Ada wave shield to generate sound though it is your best bet.