Touchpad using I2C (MXT112S / MXT144U)

Hi Everyone,

I would like to use a small touchpad for a project and Ive come across the playstation 4 dualshock touchpad. It looks perfect due to its size, supported gestures, price, and uses I2C. You can pick them up on ebay cheap and Ive linked a data sheet below.

It uses the MXT112S (looks to be replaced by the MXT144U) and so far I haven't been able to find anyone using it in a project, or information on the I2C addresses (Object Table Element?) used.

So Im looking for guidance if, and how, can this touchpad be used?

Empowering Innovation | Microchip Technology ... asheet.pdf
Empowering Innovation | Microchip Technology ... 01599G.pdf



It seems to be an interesting project, apparently you already have all initial information in the datasheet, if the cost of acquisition is low, maybe you can buy and test.


It seems to be an interesting project, apparently you already have all initial information in the datasheet, if the cost of acquisition is low, maybe you can buy and test.

Yep, I ordered one straight away for testing

But since then I have some across the Cirque touchpads. These things are great and very easy to use!