It all works great as a 'normal' tft screen, but i can't get it to respond to touch.
I have tried the UTouch_ButtonTest and the UTouch_Calibration sketches from the above site.
I have a 'standard' 3.2 touchscreen from DX
hi. i am new to the arduino world. i have done some simple builds, but i recently bought a seeedstuido 2.8 tft v1.0 touch shield and a i can't find any codes that will work when i go to verify them in my sketch. I keep getting error messages and it is really frustrating me. Can anyone help me with step by step instructions on how to get my touch shield working and some help with the sketches?
i have a arduino uno and i used many different links to try and find a sketch that would work. i don't need anything fancy. just a demo code would be nice so i have something to work off of and branch from that. i used some of these links:
touchscreen does not name a type This error means the compiler doesn't know where the library is. So where exactly is the library in the sketch folder? it should be in a folder called "libraries" which is inside the sketch folder.
okay. so i am going to walk you through what i have done so far. i went to this site ( and dragged the TFT folder and Touchscreen folder into a libraries folder in my sketch folder. i then went into the TFT folder and went to the examples. i copied the touchscreendemo sketch and loaded it into the sketch window. i clicked on verify and the "touchscreen does not name a type" error still came up. Like i said i am new at this and im probably still doing it wrong. any advice on what im doing wrong?
well i did some digging around and im pretty sure i have all my folders in the right places now, and i was finally able to get a few sketches to upload but when i uploaded the sketch the screen stayed blank white. I also tried resetting the arduino and the screen still stayed the same. any suggestions?
well i did some digging around and im pretty sure i have all my folders in the right places now, and i was finally able to get a few sketches to upload but when i uploaded the sketch the screen stayed blank white. I also tried resetting the arduino and the screen still stayed the same. any suggestions?
You say you got some sketches (more than one) to upload, but then you say when you uploaded the sketch (one), the screen stayed the same, presumably white.
If the sketch you uploaded was the touchscreen demo, observe that nothing is written to the screen. Touching the screen yields data on the serial bus, not the screen.
actually it does not. i could not get any of the example sketches to work. However, i did have success with other links. I got a couple of the demos from this link to work. Electronics - Henning Karlsen
I found that using an older version of Arduino to upload the sketches provided from the vendor of my shield worked while using the latest version yielded a white screen like you are experiencing.