I have able to successfully load images with this code below for smaller 24 bit bmps but when loading a full 320x240 bmp with the same function it displays incorrectly. It shows up with only from around 64x240 (about 1/5 of the screen from the left) and the image is garbled when it should be the entire screen.
Are you guys able to load full images no problem on your Touchshield slide? I'm on the latest version of Antipasto 0044.
PImage liquidPic; //An image
void setup() {
open(FlashTransfer); //Make the TouchShield listen for images
liquidPic = loadImage("liquid.bmp"); //read a bitmap from onboard flash
image(liquidPic, 0, 0); //draw bitmap
void loop() {
I am able to crop the same image that is 320x240 (224KB) down to 287x201 (169 KB) and it didn't work, down to 283x127 (105 KB) and it didn't work, down to 95x101 (28.4 KB) and it worked.
This looks like either the way the image is being called from the lookup table or the size of the image itself. The bmp.cpp or the bmp.h are the functions mostly used here when calling loadImage() or Image() to display as well as the PImage type. Hopefully some of you have experienced this before.
I didn't have the time to look through the reason on why the images weren't loading successfully but I took a different approach. I have tiled the images and have loaded it into a PImage matrix which and displayed it in a nested forloop. It solved the problem as a great work around. I used an freeware app called TileMage to convert my images but it only outputs in 32bit bmps so i then used photoshop to convert it back to 24 bit.
I am also having troubles with creating a splash screen for the TouchShield Slide, and since you are the only person on the internet who seems to have addressed the issue, I am thankful that you took the time to research and reply to yourself to keep the information up to date.
I also tried reformatting the pictures to different sizes, but it did not seem to work, and I resorted to just putting four 160x120 images in a grid fashion.
If you have found a way to display the full resolution of 320 x 240, could you please let me know?