TP4056 Solar Panel Micro USB

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick question. Can I connect a Solar panel (5V DC) that has a micro usb cable at the end of it directly into the TP4056 Module? I see most using the inputs on the side soldered in, but I want to make it easier to plug in like something from here:!USD!6.29!3.96!!!6.29!!%402101f49a17031099706525597e7744!12000015559436762!sea!US!931507745!&curPageLogUid=CtOvASwZhLQn

Please let me know, thank you

Sales sites are no good. Please post a link to the datasheet.

The site is only for showing the connection I want to use. The Datasheet is here:

Please post schematics here, not links.

The TP4056 is not designed for use with solar panels.

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