Trace32Debugger failing

Hi, I am trying to use the Trace32 debugger which license is free for Portenta users. I am facing an issue with the debugger. Whenever I try to open the serial communication after choosing my .ino.elf file the debugger sends me the following error.

I have no idea as to where this issue comes from. I have been using the tutorials from @jerteach to use this debugger (It worked fine when I used the exemple files from from the debugger but as soon as I tried the tutorial code or my owns the communication started to fail now it fails for every single code ).
Also if I try to force the debugger without the reset it does load the Threaddebug32.ino.elf (the trace32 tutorial) :

ELF file C:\Users\htessonneau\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_566252\traceforgodsakework.ino.elf selected, make local copy
Try GDB port auto-detection...
Found 1st serial port COM6
Found 2nd serial port COM5
Found 0x2 COM port(s):
Found port \\.\COM6
Found port \\.\COM5
Try GDB debug on port #1 \\.\COM6
Monitor communication error
Try GDB debug on port #2 \\.\COM5
Arduino Serial: 003B004D3130511336383730
GDB Debugging on port \\.\COM5, Terminal on port \\.\COM6
file 'C:\Users\htessonneau\Documents\T32Arduino\demo\arm\hardware\portenta-h7\T32ThreadDebug\T32ThreadDebug.ino.elf' (ELF/MIXED) loaded.
Warning: symbol not found
Warning: symbol not found
Warning: symbol not found

yes, I also ran into some issues with connecting and have not used trace32 for a while. I serveral times re-installed it and then would run the pre-set files and then try my own very simple files before trying to debug anything. Whenever I tried a reasonably complex file I would also have connections issues. Sorry, can't be much more help.

Thanks for taking the time to answer I guess I will wait for Arduino to update the IDE's debugger and use some old fashion debugging until then.

What I have realized: the Arduino USB flash loader (or UART) can conflict with other USB products.

I have an USB scope (saleae) which I cannot connect together with Portenta H7 on the same (USB) host: Portenta boots, scope does not work, bootloader is not available ...

I think:
a conflict with the USB device VID and PID: another device, e.g. your debugger, uses the same USB VID and PID. You lose connection to one or both because they use the "same USB" driver/enumeration/IDs.

try to use two separate PCs: one for Portenta H7, the other for debugger (not USBs at the same PC, the USBs on different PCs).
If this works - a clear indication that USB of Portenta H7 has an issue (potentially not using properly registered VID and PID numbers, "hijacking" other products IDs).

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