Traffic lights for emergency vehicle detection

hey everyone,

i am doing arduino based Traffic signal controller, so the project is that when an emergency vehicle(carrying arduino connected with rf trasmitter) when ther is heavy traffic , the traffic signal light will turn into green( of course with arduino connected with rf receiver). i tried this code from the radiohead library but every time when I load the code and run it, the receiver side traffic light keeps working even if rf transmitter is on. so please guys help me out this, my project due is 4 days…i'm totally horrified.

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IRL that's done with strobe light sensors that react to the lights on emergency vehicles and strobes on top of busses.

It might help to post your schematics and code. Kinda hard to guess in the dark.

Ideally, you test the parts separately and join them up afterwards.
In this case, (a) the traffic light sequencing with override and (b) the radio communications.
Find a tutorial or example sketch which matches your transmitter/ receiver pair and get that working. For the traffic light sequence don't even imagine you can implement it using delay() statements.

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And you know why?

Because a radio system would not know from which direction the emergency vehicle is coming. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Just as a matter of curiosity - what school are you in that has set this homework? :grin:

Oh, and by the way, you really should read the instructions for posting. :sunglasses:

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