Traffic Simulator

For my summer project, I am going to create a traffic simulator using about 10 arduino-controlled vehicles. They'll all be on a continuous circuit traveling at equal distances from each other.

So basically, what I am trying to do is to get them to slow down when the car in front brakes, causing a sort-of traffic wave, where there is an area of higher vehicle density, if you know what I mean.

Later, I'll want to use Bluetooth to try and dissipate these waves, but I was wondering if you guys could point me in the right direction. I assume I'll need distance sensors (maybe a light sensor with LEDs on the back of every vehicle), motors/axles/wheels, the ArduinoBT, batteries...

Any thoughts? Any help is much appreciated!

Probably the best sort of distance sensor for this would be an ultrasonic one, although there might be issues with so many sensors operating so close together, they might interfere.
That is a lot of robot cars to make, are you going to steer them or are they going to be fixed on a track with say a line follower or some sort of steering rail.
Either way it is probably best to look at some ready built robots, do a google search for them and fit an Arduino on later.

Thanks for your reply!
Hmm, yeah, I did consider ultrasound but I thought they might be too long-range.

I'm not planning to build in any steering — I'll put them on tracks.

Will it be difficult to vary the speeds of the motors, do you think? And do you know of any motors that might be suitable, if I didn't get some ready-made robots?

I did consider ultrasound but I thought they might be too long-range

Problem is that the other forms of range sensors are not too accurate.

Will it be difficult to vary the speeds of the motors,

No that part is OK see the link below and the other Motor tutorials on the site

Ah thanks for the info!

Yeah I did consider getting the Robot Rover, but they're a bit expensive, and I also have a budget of around £1500 (It's a university-funded project)

Could I theoretically modify any electronic vehicle, and stick an arduinoBT on it with ultrasonic sensors?

I'd suggest a cheap toy remote control car as a chasis/motor assembly. You'll have to be careful about the motors though, those cheap toy motors are usually low voltage/high current devices so it's hard to find a suitable driver in that range.

I might also suggest the 3PI robot from pololu about about $100 for the chassis with integrated "arduino", but it doesn't have bluetooth or a serial converter so you're own your own for that.

Hmmm - I'd be concerned with 10 small cars in a small area all pinging out ultrasound that you might get some interference in there somewhere.

Anyone know what they use during robot "battle bots" competitions?

What if all the cars could talk over IR - and each one would have a time slot when it could ping, one at a time?

Thanks for the advice guys. My supervisor and I have decided to go with the Lego Mindstorms NXT bricks now as the plan is to take this around primary schools to get kids interested in science. It's a shame, but I think the Arduino might scare them off a bit.

I'm still going to get an Arduino for myself because I still think they are pretty cool.

Cheers anyway!

OK but you will still have the same problem with 10 mindstorm bricks pinging at once.