Tranmissor to arduino


I make lots of use of wireless communication with my arduino. I already used 400Mhz module which works fine and in the last months I've been using nrf24l01+ which are great: good range, easy to program... but they dont last long, after 2 or 3 weeks of usage they dont work more. I use it in a remote controled car and it hits walls a lot and maybe the module does not last because that.

So I was wondering: is there any other way to make 2 arduinos communicate wireless which is cheap and reliable? I saw on the internet this transmitter/receiver

I didnt find any material on the internet how to make it work with arduino but it looks they sell a lot of these. I think most drone radios (the remote control) use these kind of transmitter and receiver and they get a huge range.

If you have any other rf suggestion I would love to know :slight_smile:

If they stop working after a few weeks you are doing something drastically wrong, like exceeding the supply voltage or input voltage.

Yes I know I may be doing something wrong, but the 433mhz modules work just fine, I use the same ones for the last 6 months and never had a problem with them... the nrf24l01 on the other hand breaks a lot... a guy told me about the esp8266 which looks really good but it is a lot more complicated to interface it with arduino...

any other recommendation? That transmitter I showd in the top of this thread, do you know how to integrate it with arduino?

Just a stupid question; which voltage do you provide to the nRF24L01? They are 3.3V devices.

FORGET about what I said about nrf24l01. I just gave you my impression and MANY people in the internet also share this same fragile opinion. It's not a stupid question, you are a stupid listener. The goal of this topic was to get you to suggest some other rf/wifi that allows communication with 2 arduinos. While you were here debating the stupidity of this topic in another topic on Stackoverlow a guy told me to use esp8266 and it looks REALLY impressive.

The ESP8266s are even more 'impressed' by higher than recommended voltages than the NRF24L01s.

@Whandall yeah it looks promising! The problem is that it's not 5v tolerant... I am trying to find another solution that is 5v

Depending on what you want to do, you could use something like


...and no Arduino at all.

Whandall that's amazing! Good to know about that :slight_smile: But I need to use arduino cause I use other modules like 2 servos and one mpu6050.

I forgot that the Ardunio is the only MPU capable of driving I2C and servos. :wink:

@Whandall :slight_smile:


Just a stupid question; which voltage do you provide to the nRF24L01? They are 3.3V devices.

Not a stupid question. Not a stupid listener. The question was never answered.

FORGET about what I said about nrf24l01. I just gave you my impression and MANY people in the internet also share this same fragile opinion. It's not a stupid question, you are a stupid listener. The goal of this topic was to get you to suggest some other rf/wifi that allows communication with 2 arduinos. While you were here debating the stupidity of this topic in another topic on Stackoverlow a guy told me to use esp8266 and it looks REALLY impressive.

? ? ? ?

@Whandall yeah it looks promising! The problem is that it's not 5v tolerant... I am trying to find another solution that is 5v

Does that mean you were using nRF24L01 at 5V instead of 3.3V?

Was it the Tx or RX of the nRF24L01 that failed?

Does that mean you were using nRF24L01 at 5V instead of 3.3V?

Seems a reasonable inference. It also suggests that the word "stupid" may have been incorrectly attached.

I have never found that calling the "donor" stupid improves the help I get - but maybe I am just a wimp.


This is a case of the OP not actually wanting to learn anything but to blunder on in his own cess pool of self imposed ignorance.

He says "don't tell me what is wrong, just tell me how to do it"
We love types like that here.

Note to OP: I did not (intend to) say that either you or your question (thread) was stupid but that my question in my reply might be a stupid question.

If you managed to read it the wrong way, I will try to phrase my answers more carefully the next time.



Bluetooth does not have a good range...

Bluetooth does not have a good range... I was using nrf24l01 with 3.3v of course, I am not stupid. I used this same setup for months, if I had used 5V it would burn in the first second.

I was using nrf24l01 with 3.3v of course

It would have saved a lot of wasted time if you had said that in response to Reply #3
