I would like to know how I can transfer multiple sensor readings over a single radio module without mixing up the signals, for now i am using an accelerometer, barometric pressure sensor and an ultrasonic distance sensor, may include more sensors in future, it wouldn't matter for me if it would take upto half an hour as this is a test setup for a larger project, where i will fix such problems, but for now it's not a problem.
What is the biggest packet size (in bytes) that your radio module can send?
Hello maha_india
Use a data array that contains all the information to be sent. This array can also be used as a common data layout in the sender and receiver.
Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++.
transmit your data in a structure, e.g. see forum.arduino.cc/t/decimals-strings-and-lora
how far apart are the transmitter/receiver? what is the environment, e.g. urban, countryside, etc?
were you considering specific microcotroller, wireless, etc
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