I am trying to be prepared for the coming up Christmas, and I was wondering if I could use the PWM function on the Arduino and a transistor to fade the lights. Last year I used 8 solid relays and hooked them up 8 plugs to blink the lights.
So my question is if my solid state relays could handle PWM? If not what type of transistor should I use, and how I would set up The transistors?
Sorry if I misspelled any words I am a very bad writer.
also need to know what type of lights. simple resistor based LED's or incandescant and you can PWM them to dim them. some LED's are serial based control those you control with the arduino directly.
I am going to wire the Arduino controlled light dimmer to a plug and dim the power of the plug, so I can yous the dimmer to dim other things other than the Christmas lights. Like for ex. a lamp.
If your lights already contain a dimmer or a switch mode regulator then you will not be able to dim it with any circuit. You need to know what exactly you are dimming.
Last year i put lots of those over my house and made them blink with the relays. I liked the way they looked but i wanted this year to be beater. That's why i want the lights to be able to fade.