I'm recording wav files (1 to 2 seconds) and want to send them to a backend. The best case is if i could do this via MQTT. I managed already sending photos via MQTT to my backend but I have no luck with the wav files: I have troubles with some basics.
Main question:
But how can i get the size of the buffer from the wav file? This is needed for the MQTT publish
second question
Do you have an other solution for transmitting wav files ? I can also set up a POST API. But I thin I run in the same problem?
What I have tried
for the jpgs i just use the buffer and the length of the buffer - the date is given by the example of the esp32cam sketch. This works pretty good!
client.publish(topic_PUBLISH, buf, len, false);
Hardware: MCU: Seeed XIAO ESP32S3 Sense
This is the basic sketch which records the wav. ( Mjrovai)
#include <I2S.h>
#include "FS.h"
#include "SD.h"
#include "SPI.h"
// make changes as needed
#define RECORD_TIME 20 // seconds, The maximum value is 240
#define WAV_FILE_NAME "arduino_rec"
// do not change for best
#define SAMPLE_RATE 16000U
#define SAMPLE_BITS 16
#define WAV_HEADER_SIZE 44
#define VOLUME_GAIN 2
void setup() {
while (!Serial) ;
I2S.setAllPins(-1, 42, 41, -1, -1);
Serial.println("Failed to initialize I2S!");
while (1) ;
Serial.println("Failed to mount SD Card!");
while (1) ;
void loop() {
void record_wav()
uint32_t sample_size = 0;
uint32_t record_size = (SAMPLE_RATE * SAMPLE_BITS / 8) * RECORD_TIME;
uint8_t *rec_buffer = NULL;
Serial.printf("Ready to start recording ...\n");
File file = SD.open("/"WAV_FILE_NAME".wav", FILE_WRITE);
// Write the header to the WAV file
uint8_t wav_header[WAV_HEADER_SIZE];
generate_wav_header(wav_header, record_size, SAMPLE_RATE);
file.write(wav_header, WAV_HEADER_SIZE);
// PSRAM malloc for recording
rec_buffer = (uint8_t *)ps_malloc(record_size);
if (rec_buffer == NULL) {
Serial.printf("malloc failed!\n");
while(1) ;
Serial.printf("Buffer: %d bytes\n", ESP.getPsramSize() - ESP.getFreePsram());
// Start recording
esp_i2s::i2s_read(esp_i2s::I2S_NUM_0, rec_buffer, record_size, &sample_size, portMAX_DELAY);
if (sample_size == 0) {
Serial.printf("Record Failed!\n");
} else {
Serial.printf("Record %d bytes\n", sample_size);
// Increase volume
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sample_size; i += SAMPLE_BITS/8) {
(*(uint16_t *)(rec_buffer+i)) <<= VOLUME_GAIN;
// Write data to the WAV file
Serial.printf("Writing to the file ...\n");
if (file.write(rec_buffer, record_size) != record_size)
Serial.printf("Write file Failed!\n");
Serial.printf("The recording is over.\n");
void generate_wav_header(uint8_t *wav_header, uint32_t wav_size, uint32_t sample_rate)
// See this for reference: http://soundfile.sapp.org/doc/WaveFormat/
uint32_t file_size = wav_size + WAV_HEADER_SIZE - 8;
uint32_t byte_rate = SAMPLE_RATE * SAMPLE_BITS / 8;
const uint8_t set_wav_header[] = {
'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', // ChunkID
file_size, file_size >> 8, file_size >> 16, file_size >> 24, // ChunkSize
'W', 'A', 'V', 'E', // Format
'f', 'm', 't', ' ', // Subchunk1ID
0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Subchunk1Size (16 for PCM)
0x01, 0x00, // AudioFormat (1 for PCM)
0x01, 0x00, // NumChannels (1 channel)
sample_rate, sample_rate >> 8, sample_rate >> 16, sample_rate >> 24, // SampleRate
byte_rate, byte_rate >> 8, byte_rate >> 16, byte_rate >> 24, // ByteRate
0x02, 0x00, // BlockAlign
0x10, 0x00, // BitsPerSample (16 bits)
'd', 'a', 't', 'a', // Subchunk2ID
wav_size, wav_size >> 8, wav_size >> 16, wav_size >> 24, // Subchunk2Size
memcpy(wav_header, set_wav_header, sizeof(set_wav_header));