Hi, everyone, I need help with one problem that i encountered. I constructed a towable underwater platform that consists of depressor wing, and under it a pair of flashlights, one CTD logger probe and a contour + camera in its housing. Since contour+ camera has a bluetooth option I was wondering if it is possible to place one bluetooth receiver antenna in close proximity to the camera housing and pick up the signal and to transmit it to the surface via cable. I know that there are cable length issues and signal atennuating, so is there a amplifier to boost the signal and to get it at the other end, up to 60-70 meters away. Any help is appreciated, thank in advance, Niksa Glavic.
Not possible as you describe it.
You would have to couple the antenna directly to the output stage or use a coupling transformer. A booster amplifier would not work because you have the problem of when to switch it from transmit to recieve.
Thank You for info, Grumpy _Mike. However, is it possible to make two separate lines, one for thereceiver antenna, and one for the transmitter, or another, possibly stupid idea, what if I pick up bluetooth signal on the camera and convert it on site (on the towed underwater construction) to plain video signal and then send it through video cable? I am sorry if I bother too much, but I need to resolve this problem and I do not know how. Thank again, Niksa.
Sorry, but I wonder if You got my first post right, from the text, because I did not specify that after the receiver, and ?? amplifier, bluetooth signal would travel to the surface via cable, not through the water as rf.
You are not going to get bluetooth traveling very far in water.
Bluetooth is a bidirectional protocol where a device switches rapidly between transmit and receive, therefore an amplifier to boost the signal is not going to be able to match this rapid switching.
what if I pick up bluetooth signal on the camera and convert it on site (on the towed underwater construction) to plain video signal and then send it through video cable?
Then you will stand a better chance of it working. Why not just have a camera that gives you video out in the first place?
Maybe you could make a serial bluetooth module in the pod, and hook it up to a RS232 converter. It is slow but cheap. Another option is to use ethernet. In both cases you need a controller in the pod, and another one to receive the signals (can also be a pc).