Transmitting Digi-Pot Signal via 433 Mhz and Programming Touchscreen Display

I am looking for guidance on a new project for our company. I am not asking anyone to do the project for me but am searching for information to steer the project in the right direction from the beginning. I am completely green to this type of project and am highly appreciative of any input.

We are developing a remote control system to adjust amperages on a welding machine.

System consists of two parts:
A Receiver/Transmitter that attaches to the welding machine (RT1)
Using Arduino Uno for prototype
-will be powered by 24V circuit from welding machine.
-Will a voltage regulator be suffice to drop the voltage to 5 volts? Is there a certain type of regulator that is better than other types? Best way to attach?

-Will have a digital potentiometer that receives 10V input from welding machine and alters it for return to machine (This is what adjusts the amperage on the welding machine)
-What is the best potentiometer for this? What is the best option for attaching the potentiometer and routing the signals to it? Are there any variables that need to be considered for this?

-Will receive 334Mhz signal from handheld Receiver/Transmitter. This input will be used to adjust the digital potentiometer.

  • What is the best Reciever /Transmitter for this?What are the variables for attaching, routing power, and programming? What are the options for antennaes with this?

Handheld Receiver/Transmitter (RT2) will function to transmit up/down signals to RT1 and receive signals from T1
Using Arduino Uno for prototype
-What are the options/variables to consider for power? Am currently leaning toward 9V battery vs Rechargeable Lithium battery

-Will have Touchscreen Display
-Display will be used for displaying current amperage settings (this input will come from the receiver/transmitter attached to the welding machine.
-Display will be used for selecting Up/Down amperage
-Display will be used for programming sequences of automatic up/down (pulse) signals over adjustable lengths of time
-Display will be used to program up/down signal is equal to increase/decrease "x" amps
What is the best touchscreen for this, options to consider for attaching, programming, and any other variables I may not be aware of?

Secondary transmitter (T1) will function to transmit up/down signals to RT2
-Will consist of 2 buttons (one for up/one for down)
-Suggestions for small board and RF transmitter? would like the outside case to be smaller than 3/4"Wx1"Lx1/4"H
-Suggestions for power? Rechargeable vs watch batteries

Your description of the project contains the most between heaven and earth.
Surely the project is doable.
Specify the surroundings as logical and electrical inputs. Then specify logical and electrical outputs. This is often called "the interface".

The following text is not clear to me. It looks like a mess. Can You explain that for people not knowing the full idea of Your project?

-Will have a digital potentiometer that receives 10V input from welding machine and alters it for return to machine (This is what adjusts the amperage on the welding machine)
        -What is the best potentiometer for this? What is the best option for attaching the potentiometer and routing the signals to it? Are there any variables that need to be considered for this?

I tried a similar project a while back. I was trying to make a wireless foot pedal for a Miller Syncrowave.
The biggest problem you are going to face is the EMI interference.
Everything worked well until the high frequency started and the whole thing went crazy.
I never did work on any EMI shielding, project was just on a bare circuit board.
May have to get back to the project some day.

Your description of the project contains the most between heaven and earth.
Surely the project is doable.
Specify the surroundings as logical and electrical inputs. Then specify logical and electrical outputs. This is often called "the interface".

The following text is not clear to me. It looks like a mess. Can You explain that for people not knowing the full idea of Your project?

-Will have a digital potentiometer that receives 10V input from welding machine and alters it for return to machine (This is what adjusts the amperage on the welding machine)

-What is the best potentiometer for this? What is the best option for attaching the potentiometer and routing the signals to it? Are there any variables that need to be considered for this?

The welding machine uses a 14 pin plug. The plug outputs 10V and, in turn, adjusts the amperage based on the return signal voltage. The voltage is traditionally manipulated with an analog potentiometer.