Tricopter controlled by Arduino Uno & 3DR telemetry - HELP

:confused: :confused: Hello guys, I want to make a tricopter based on arduino Uno and 3DR telemetry radios. My concept is an autopilot mechanism for tricopter with obstacle avoidance. its ok for me to do the obstacle avoidance part on arduino, but i also want to controll the tricopter from my PC (using a 3D joystick???!)

So is there any way for me to communicate with 3dr radio between tri and PC joystick. I tried Mission planner. But it cannot, since its arduino uno am using at 'air side' and not a Arducopter/APM...

Any suggestions/advice is appreciated + Thankfullll...! :slight_smile:
Thanks any ways. i hope this is the right place to discuss this subject..!

Any suggestions/advice is appreciated

Post a link to the radios you are using.
What application on the PC is reading the joystick? What information is it sending to the serial port? In what format?

Post a link to the radios you are using.
What application on the PC is reading the joystick? What information is it sending to the serial port? In what format?

This is the exact 3DR radio am using:

i would like to use a c# application on pc side to read the data from 3DR radios..
Info send to serial port is as usual, the x,y & z axis data to the radio for arduino.
In what format?? i hope wat u mean is string or int...if so i may say an integer value.

:sunglasses: After almost 2 months am able to finish it up... But anyways at the starting it was quite difficult to even understand and set up the 3DR radio.
Thanks to PaulS for your reply. :slight_smile:


I see you got your project to work. Well done!

Could you perhaps share with us how you achieved this? I am working on serial data transfer with the same modules and would really appreciate a push in the right direction!

