Hello all. I was attempting to use the debug feature for my GIGA R1 but after trying to update the driver to WinUSB with zadig, my board is no longer recognized by the IDE. I have no idea where to go from here. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Is the board (GIGA R1) recognized by the operating system?
Yes, Windows 11 is able to see that the board is plugged into a USB port.
Try the steps below:
- Add the Arduino Mbed OS Giga Boards (newest version) to Arduino IDE 2 using the Boards Manager.
- Burn the bootloader on GIGA R1 WiFi
- Update Wi-Fi firmware on GIGA R1 WiFi
So this has taken a turn. I have been using my giga with my laptop. I tried burning the bootloader as recommended and still arduino IDE was unable to recognize the board. I started to think the issue might lie with my laptop so I plugged the giga into my desktop and right away, arduino IDE recognized the board without issue. I uploaded some blocks of code and played around with it for a bit and then tried to move back to my laptop. Still didn't recognize it.
So now I'm really confused. The issue appears to be my laptop however anything else that I plug into my laptop is recognized and works just fine. I uninstalled and reinstalled the IDE and it's still not recognizing the board.
Any ideas?
Try these basic steps:
Do complete Uninstall Arduino IDE and then re-install the Arduino IDE (use Arduino IDE 2.3.2). Make sure that you install all the dependencies that shows up after the installation. If your machine is running Windows 11, grant the IDE admin right during installation.
Install your board's Package Core, it contains the board's driver.
Use a good quality data USB cable to connect the board to the computer without anything connected or wired to the board. Charging/bad USB cable will make it impossible for your computer to detect your board.
Make sure you select the board and the port it is connected to before uploading a sketch.
If #1-4 above fails to solve it, double tap the reset button fast and check the status of the onboard "L" LED. If the onboard LED fade in and out slowly (pulsating), upload an example sketch (Blink LED) from the IDE to the board.
I put the board into bootloader mode and the IDE immediately recognized the board. I reinstalled the package core and was then able to upload a canned sketch to the board. But as soon as I disconnect and reconnect the board, the IDE is no longer able to see it. Any ideas?
Try testing the board with a different computer, the issue might be computer driver related.
Instead of uploading your "canned sketch" to the board, after reset, upload the Blink LED sketch from the IDE examples.
Everything works fine on my desktop. It’s just my laptop that isn’t working. Also, i did upload the blink sketch.
So it sounds like drivers are the issue but which ones do i need?
Good checking as suggested. Try to do Windows OS repair and then update all drivers afterwards. Should fix the issue. Your Arduino board isn't the issue.
I've updated everything I can to no avail. I know it's not a board issue because it works fine on my desktop. Windows is able to recognize the giga when it's plugged in so I'm thinking it isn't OS related. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the IDE multiple times and it hasn't helped.
Where do I go from here?
Do windows OS repair as suggested, you need the installation disk (you can create one) or repair disk to do OS repair. After that, you update all drivers and then do installation of IDE2 (make sure you install all IDE dependencies that show up after the installation).