I have little experience in Arduino programming and trying to pilot an old electric clock with it.
I succeeded sending a signal to the relay each minute using internal Arduino clock and a delay loop but I would like to use an RTC to improve accuracy.
I tried the following sketch first, it sucessfully blinks the LED each second but I feel that the 1s delay is done by the arduino rather than the RTC (I may be wrong) . Could someone help me understanding how to use the clock to send a signal to the LED each minute reading the RTC (or any outPin) ?
Thank you in advance for your help !!
#include <Wire.h>
#include <DS1307.h>
about set time:
format: year,month,day,week,hour,min,sec
example: 14,03,25,02,13,55,10 2014.03.25 tuesday 13:55:10
String comdata = "";
int mark=0;
//store the current time data
int rtc[7];
//store the set time data
byte rr[7];
//light pin
int ledPin = 13;
//initial light
void setup()
DDRC |= _BV(2) | _BV(3); // POWER:Vcc Gnd
PORTC |= _BV(3); // VCC PINC3
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
//initial baudrate
//get current time
RTC.get(rtc, true);
//if time is wrong reset to default time
if (rtc[6] < 12) {
//stop rtc time
RTC.set(DS1307_SEC, 1);
RTC.set(DS1307_MIN, 27);
RTC.set(DS1307_HR, 01);
RTC.set(DS1307_DOW, 7);
RTC.set(DS1307_DATE, 12);
RTC.set(DS1307_MTH, 2);
RTC.set(DS1307_YR, 12);
//start rtc time
void loop()
int i;
//get current time
RTC.get(rtc, true);
//print current time format : year month day week hour min sec
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
- Serial.print(" ");*
- }*
- //blink the light*
- Serial.println();*
- digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);*
- delay(500);*
- digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);*
- delay(500);*
- //*
- int j = 0;*
- //read all the data*
- while (Serial.available() > 0)*
- {*
- comdata += char(Serial.read());*
- delay(2);*
- mark = 1;*
- }*
- //if data is all collected,then parse it*
- if (mark == 1)*
- {*
- Serial.println(comdata);*
- Serial.println(comdata.length());*
- //parse data*
- for (int i = 0; i < comdata.length() ; i++)*
- {*
- //if the byte is ',' jump it,and parse next value*
_ if (comdata == ',')_
* {*
* j++;*
* }*
* else*
* {*
_ rr[j] = rr[j] * 10 + (comdata - '0');
* }
comdata = String("");
RTC.set(DS1307_SEC, rr[6]);
RTC.set(DS1307_MIN, rr[5]);
RTC.set(DS1307_HR, rr[4]);
RTC.set(DS1307_DOW, rr[3]);
RTC.set(DS1307_DATE, rr[2]);
RTC.set(DS1307_MTH, rr[1]);
RTC.set(DS1307_YR, rr[0]);
_ RTC.start();
mark = 0;