triggering 2 different states with conductive tape

Hey guys,

Im trying to make this game based around a pancake where if you flip the pancake and it lands on one side it causes the frying pan to light up red and make a negative sound, and if it lands on the other side it lights up green and makes a positive sound.

As the attached image shows, I've thought about doing this with 2 separate rings on conductive tape to trigger 2 different circuits, basically when the contacts meet, completing one of the two circuits. However I'm sure there is a simpler and cleaner way of doing this and I have no experience with conductive tape or how good it is. Is there sensors I could use?

Thanks guys, any help appreciated. I'm a bit rusty so just need a nudge in the right direction

Can you coat one side with a transparent UV sensitive paint?

Then you just need a UV led+phototransistor to see which side is which.

You only need to have a conductive surface on one side, and a grid of your two switch poles on the pan surface, this will mean one side of the pancake will joint the grid the other will be an open circuit.
You will also have no flying wires to the pancake.

Use a LDR in the base of the pan to detect when the pancake has landed.

That way you are not concerned with contact alignment.

Tom.. :slight_smile: