Trinket Question (Help)

Hey Folks,

I recently bought a Adafruit Trinket M0 for a cosplay prop I'm working on.
I used this video as reference: Animated LED Basics - YouTube

The idea was to create a "heartbeat effect" for an amulet. I'm a complete beginner in electronics, so I've done some research and asked a friend who has some basic electronic understanding.

I've gotten the code like I've wanted, now the only issue seems to be that there isn't enough power, or the correct wiring is unclear to me.

I have two questions:

  1. Do I need a powerboost to use a single 3V LED? Is this component necessary or will a coin battery work?

  2. If I don't need a powerboost, what is the proper diagram/setup? To me, it looks like the LED is sapping the Trinket's power.

My current components are:

  • 3V Coin Battery
  • Switch
  • Adafruit M0 Trinket
  • 3V Red LED

Here are some images and my mock diagram that I used. The reason I'm not using a boost or a 6/9V battery is because I want to keep this as light weight as possible. However, if it is a must, then I'm fine with that I just wan't to make sure I'm not missing something obvious.

Here is a screenshot of the cosplayer's setup. It's using a PowerBoost and a Battery pack.


Here is a crude diagram I used to set my LED up. I notice that it will bypass the trinket if the red wire coming from the LED touches the 3V or Rst on the Trinket. The trinket turns on normally if the LED is not hooked up. My assumption is that there isn't enough power.


Here's a picture of the wired setup. It also appears that the battery is drained super fast. That's why it looks like its off.


P.S. the image insert doesn't appear to work, or Imgur isn't supported. Any suggestions on that?

P.S. the image insert doesn't appear to work, or Imgur isn't supported. Any suggestions on that?

Yes it does work what you probably tried to do was to post the url to the page. You need the url of the image, sometimes photo posting web sites make this deliberately difficult or impossible to do so when we follow these up they send us all sorts of spam and cookies.

Read the how to use this forum sticky post to find out how to post your images as an attachment.

You can not get much current out of a coin cell and while it looks attractive when there are LEDs involved the battery quickly drains or will not supply enough to work.

I haven’t been able to view your pictures but in the video you can see that honking great battery you have to use to power those lights. You can get much smaller ones that will plug into the trinket and be charged from the USB connection.

However the MO is a bit overkill for one red LED, the original ATtiny 85 would do equally as well.