Trouble communicating with GainSpan WiFi Module

So I'm trying to configure my new GainSpan WiFi module (GainSpan WiFi Breakout - WRL-10505 - SparkFun Electronics), but have been unsuccessful so far.

Since I don't have a way to communicate directly with the module directly, I'm trying to do it using a software serial on my Arduino Uno. The program I uploaded is really simple (slight modification to the example sketch for the SoftwareSerial). It looks as follows:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3);

void setup()  

void loop()
  if (mySerial.available())
  if (Serial.available())

I then try to communicate with the module with a simple "AT" through the serial monitor (also tried "minicom" on the command line), but no response comes through. I also tried sending AT with both line endings, but nothing. I've tried switching the RX/TX wires to see if I mixed it up, but that didn't work either.

I've checked the wiring and soldering, and they seem both seem ok. The 3.3v/ground on the breakout is connected the 3.3v/ground pins on the Arduino, and the rx/tx are connected to pins 2 and 3 on the Arduino.

Any suggestions? Beyond purchasing a USB TTL cable, unless that's the main issue.

Sidenote: A portion of the Arduino gets really hot when the Arduino is providing the power for the module.

Hm, considering the lack of responses, allow me to ask another question then: If you were in this situation, what would be your next step in trying to figure out what was wrong?

Sorry don't know the answer to your question but FYI I've been using the Inventek Systems equivalent module with no problems. It's called the eS-WiFi and has a nice AT Command Set.