Trouble compiling Libelium SD module code

I am looking into Libelium's SD module for Arduino sensor data logging -- it's a lot cheaper than the DataLogger. When I try to compile Libelium's code for that module (both the basic mmc_v2 and the more complex mmc_v4 package) using the latest Arduino IDE, I consistently get an error of "byte does not name a type In function void loop()". I have looked at the code, and it seems fine, but this error keeps me from compiling it -- in fact, all attempts to define variables of type "byte" in the SD code throw this error. I can write other programs in the same IDE that use "byte" variables without trouble. :-/


I am not sure about your problem, but take a look to this post:

I also had problems to save data from sensors to the libellium microSD component. Now it runs, so may be it could help you.

good luck!

I know the issue that you are having and you have to do something but I can't remember what it is. Helpful I know but I am looking. :stuck_out_tongue:

I'll see if I can find the post on it


Ok, can't find what I was looking for. Any reason why you are using the mmc libraries and not the SDuFAT library as recommended on the libelium page:

I use the SDuFAT library when I use my libelium MicroSD module.


I have successfully compiled the SDuFAT library and will work with that. Thanks so much both of you! :slight_smile:

Yes, the SDuFAT library is good. I still can't find the page with details about that byte error though. Oh well, glad you've got something working now :smiley:


Good for you drfriendly,

Mowcius, do you know if it is better or more friendly the Filelogger library or the SDuFAT for things such as this that i discussed in the post that i linked here previously?


I have not used the filelogger library on any projects. I did not have a need for anything more than reading from uSD last time.

Looking at it, I would have thought that the filelogger library would be better for logging data than the SDuFAT library because that is what it is made for, however I know of many people who use the SDuFAT library for logging. Personal preference I suppose.
