Hi I'm making an RC car that will track a color and keep its distance, right now i cant seem to use the Seeed Motor Shield V1 to control my 2 dc motors without mounting it, so I can't connect the ping sensor and cmucam4. I thought of using stackable headers but there were none at any radio shacks nearby or electronics stores i called, i ended up buying jumpers with header pins that should work but the LED's on the motor shield are dim and the motors won't spin. I am powering the Arduino(Mega 2560 R3) and motor shield separately and it doesn't work like this, but it works when mounted like a shield. From the site I would imagine that only pins 8-13 are needed. If anyone has any suggestions or has done this I would appreciate some help, I've tried searching on forum and google but didn't find anything.
edit: i don't know if this is the right section for this question, if not please let me know and i will move it.