Trouble getting noise to turn off when light is no longer sensed.

Hello! I am trying to alter someone's existing code to fit what I want to do. What I want to do is have it so that when light hits the sensor, the sound of crickets turns on (originally it was the opposite--the sound would go on when it got dark). I have done this successfully, but I'm having trouble getting it to turn OFF when there is no longer any light. Trying to make an if/else statement to do this, but I'm having some issues understanding the code being used.

This is the bit I've added:

   if (sensorLevel() < thresholdLevel) 
    digitalWrite(speakerPin, LOW)
;  }

This is the entirety. My apologies for its messiness and general ick, I'm brand new to building circuits and would appreciate any help :slight_smile:

const int lightPin = 0; //the analog pin for the photoresistor 
const int speakerPin = 9; //the digital pin for the piezo speaker
//Constants for chirp speed
const int fast = 20;
const int med = 60;
const int slow = 100;
//Set initial values of other variables
int thresholdLevel = 500;   // an arbitrary light threshold level when chirping should start
int initialChirp = true;    // a true state means that it is the first 'chirp' since the 
                            // light has darkened and crossed the threshold level
//Check & return current light level function
int sensorLevel(){       
  int lightLevel = analogRead(lightPin); //read the lightLevel (between 0 and 1024)
  Serial.print("Photocell reading = ");  //print out the light level on the serial
  Serial.println(lightLevel);            //    monitor (if attached) for debugging
  return lightLevel;                     //return the value to the callng function
//Chirp function
//adapted from Michael Still's 'Cricket Noise Door Bell' arduino project
//We need to pass in a desired chirp length using an integer or our predefined
void chirp(int length){
  for(int i = 0; i < length; i += 2)
    digitalWrite(speakerPin, LOW);
    delay(length - i);
    digitalWrite(speakerPin, HIGH);
void setup()
  pinMode(speakerPin, OUTPUT);
  //We'll send debugging information via the serial monitor
  //if attached
  //Shuffle the randomizer with analog noise on an
  //unconnected analog pin
//Here is our main logic function - as the name suggests,
//this function loops whilever power is applied to the Arduino

void loop()
  //if we cross the threshold, start the chirp cycle
  while (sensorLevel() > thresholdLevel) {
    //if initial crossing of threshold - start with a 'slow' chirp
    if (initialChirp == true) {
      initialChirp = 0; //let us know that we have done our initial chirp in the chirp cycle

   if (sensorLevel() < thresholdLevel) 
    digitalWrite(speakerPin, LOW)
;  }
    //generate a random number between 0 and 14
    int rndMediumChirp = random (14);
    //send value to serial port for debugging
    Serial.print("rndMediumChirp = ");
    //if rndMediumChrip is 1, do a 'medium' chirp - ie, a 1 in 15 chance of any given chirp
    //being 'medium' as opposed to 'fast' for added realism
    if (rndMediumChirp == 1) {
    //the standard 'fast' chirps
  }  //end of chirp cycle
  //if we are here we are outside of the chirp cycle
  //let's make sure we reinitialise the initalChirp to 
  //true (boolean), so that next time it becomes dark, we
  //have a slow chirp
  initialChirp = true; 
  //delay between readings when not in chirp cycle

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If the sensor level is below the threshold, turn the pin off. Then,immediately start chirping again. Why?

I don't see how this bit ever finishes

while (sensorLevel() > thresholdLevel) {

of course maybe it never starts :slight_smile:
