Hey everyone.
I am having trouble saving Data from my GPS UP501 device. I've connected it to a PC and using Hyperterminal I get the following information:
The one in red is what I am interested in...
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
String buffer = ""; //clear buffer register
boolean serialFlag = 0; //clear my own flag
//SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX ... the 10 is what matters based on my suggested wiring above
void setup()
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
Serial.begin(56700); //used for printing values to Serial monitor
Serial1.begin(9600); //GPS usit attached here
// set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port
void loop() // run over and over
if (Serial1.available()){ //if there is anything on Serial1 go into loop
if (Serial1.read() == '
Here is my code. I am looking at everything coming in and when it is a "$" the code must save all the following information into the String register named "buffer" until a * is received.
Now for the actual problem...
when I run the code it just ignores everything coming in, it just doesn't recognize the "$" symbol. Must I save it in another format or what exactly is going on here..
Please help){ //if it is a $ symbol (beginning of data message) continue
serialFlag = 1; //set flag high, allowing data to be saved
if (serialFlag == 1){ //if flag is high continue
buffer += Serial1.read(); //save all values into register called buffer
if (Serial1.read() == '*'){ //if * is read (end of message) continue
serialFlag = 0; //clear the flag (don't save anymore to the register named buffer
Serial.print(buffer); //print everything that is in the register named buffer
Here is my code. I am looking at everything coming in and when it is a "$" the code must save all the following information into the String register named "buffer" until a * is received.
Now for the actual problem...
when I run the code it just ignores everything coming in, it just doesn't recognize the "$" symbol. Must I save it in another format or what exactly is going on here..
Please help