Hello everyone, I am doing this project which uses an Atmega328P-AU IC and I have a problem re-uploading the sketch onto it. More specifically I get this error:
avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
Here is what I have done so far: I upload the bootloader before soldering the Atmega onto the board, after I solder it, I upload the test sketch using a FTDI232 USB to Serial converter and voila the whole thing works. After that I try to upload a second sketch with the FTDI and I get the error shown above. I tried to fiddle with the board by using different values for the decoupling capacitor, a resistor instead of a inductor to the reset pin, removing the RX cable on the FTDI converter, using an Arduino Uno board as a uploader and I still get this error. After that I desoldered the IC burnt the bootloader again resoldered it and the sketch uploaded, but when I tried again the error appeared. I tried to upload the bootloader for the third time, but this time I soldered cables directly on my board so I wont have to desolder the whole IC and when I tried to burn the bootloader I got the following error:
avrdude: Expected signature for ATMEGA328P is 1E 95 0F
Double check chip, or use -F to override this check.
I don't know if this has something to do with the Atmega being connected to a 74HC595 shift register at the time. Also I uploaded the test sketch to an Arduino Uno and then the other sketch and the error didn't appear.
I am out of ideas, so I'd appreciate any help on my problem with uploading sketches.
I've attached the circuit design for the Atmega and the programming port and the test sketch is below(note the Serial.begin(9600); is from the whole example I used and I didn't bother removing it).
* ShiftPWM blocking RGB fades example, (c) Elco Jacobs, updated August 2012.
* ShiftPWM blocking RGB fades example. This example uses simple delay loops to create fades.
* If you want to change the fading mode based on inputs (sensors, buttons, serial), use the non-blocking example as a starting point.
* Please go to www.elcojacobs.com/shiftpwm for documentation, fuction reference and schematics.
* If you want to use ShiftPWM with LED strips or high power LED's, visit the shop for boards.
// ShiftPWM uses timer1 by default. To use a different timer, before '#include <ShiftPWM.h>', add
// #define SHIFTPWM_USE_TIMER2 // for Arduino Uno and earlier (Atmega328)
// #define SHIFTPWM_USE_TIMER3 // for Arduino Micro/Leonardo (Atmega32u4)
// Clock and data pins are pins from the hardware SPI, you cannot choose them yourself if you use the hardware SPI.
// Data pin is MOSI (Uno and earlier: 11, Leonardo: ICSP 4, Mega: 51, Teensy 2.0: 2, Teensy 2.0++: 22)
// Clock pin is SCK (Uno and earlier: 13, Leonardo: ICSP 3, Mega: 52, Teensy 2.0: 1, Teensy 2.0++: 21)
// You can choose the latch pin yourself.
const int ShiftPWM_latchPin=8;
// ** uncomment this part to NOT use the SPI port and change the pin numbers. This is 2.5x slower **
// const int ShiftPWM_dataPin = 11;
// const int ShiftPWM_clockPin = 13;
// If your LED's turn on if the pin is low, set this to true, otherwise set it to false.
const bool ShiftPWM_invertOutputs = true;
// You can enable the option below to shift the PWM phase of each shift register by 8 compared to the previous.
// This will slightly increase the interrupt load, but will prevent all PWM signals from becoming high at the same time.
// This will be a bit easier on your power supply, because the current peaks are distributed.
const bool ShiftPWM_balanceLoad = false;
#include <ShiftPWM.h> // include ShiftPWM.h after setting the pins!
// Here you set the number of brightness levels, the update frequency and the number of shift registers.
// These values affect the load of ShiftPWM.
// Choose them wisely and use the PrintInterruptLoad() function to verify your load.
// There is a calculator on my website to estimate the load.
unsigned char maxBrightness = 255;
unsigned char pwmFrequency = 75;
int numRegisters = 4;
int numRGBleds = numRegisters*8/3;
void setup(){
// Sets the number of 8-bit registers that are used.
// SetPinGrouping allows flexibility in LED setup.
// If your LED's are connected like this: RRRRGGGGBBBBRRRRGGGGBBBB, use SetPinGrouping(4).
ShiftPWM.SetPinGrouping(1); //This is the default, but I added here to demonstrate how to use the funtion
void loop()
// Turn all LED's off.
// Print information about the interrupt frequency, duration and load on your program
// Fade in and fade out all outputs one by one fast. Usefull for testing your hardware. Use OneByOneSlow when this is going to fast.
// Fade in all outputs
for(int j=0;j<maxBrightness;j++){
// Fade out all outputs
for(int j=maxBrightness;j>=0;j--){
// Fade in and out 2 outputs at a time
for(int output=0;output<numRegisters*8-1;output++){
for(int brightness=0;brightness<maxBrightness;brightness++){
// Hue shift all LED's
for(int hue = 0; hue<360; hue++){
ShiftPWM.SetAllHSV(hue, 255, 255);
// Alternate LED's in 6 different colors
for(int shift=0;shift<6;shift++){
for(int led=0; led<numRGBleds; led++){
case 0:
ShiftPWM.SetRGB(led,255,0,0); // red
case 1:
ShiftPWM.SetRGB(led,0,255,0); // green
case 2:
ShiftPWM.SetRGB(led,0,0,255); // blue
case 3:
ShiftPWM.SetRGB(led,255,128,0); // orange
case 4:
ShiftPWM.SetRGB(led,0,255,255); // turqoise
case 5:
ShiftPWM.SetRGB(led,255,0,255); // purple
// Update random LED to random color. Funky!
for(int i=0;i<1000;i++){
// Immitate a VU meter
int peak=0;
int prevPeak=0;
int currentLevel = 0;
for(int i=0;i<40;i++){
prevPeak = peak;
peak = random(numRGBleds); // pick a new peak value that differs at least 5 from previous peak
// animate to new top
for(int led=0;led<numRGBleds;led++){
int hue = (numRGBleds-1-led)*120/numRGBleds; // From green to red
delay((64/numRGBleds)*(numRGBleds-currentLevel)); // go slower near the top
// A moving rainbow for RGB leds:
rgbLedRainbow(numRGBleds, 5, 3, numRegisters*8/3); // Fast, over all LED's
rgbLedRainbow(numRGBleds, 10, 3, numRegisters*8/3*4); //slower, wider than the number of LED's
void rgbLedRainbow(int numRGBLeds, int delayVal, int numCycles, int rainbowWidth){
// Displays a rainbow spread over a few LED's (numRGBLeds), which shifts in hue.
// The rainbow can be wider then the real number of LED's.
for(int cycle=0;cycle<numCycles;cycle++){ // loop through the hue shift a number of times (numCycles)
for(int colorshift=0;colorshift<360;colorshift++){ // Shift over full color range (like the hue slider in photoshop)
for(int led=0;led<numRGBLeds;led++){ // loop over all LED's
int hue = ((led)*360/(rainbowWidth-1)+colorshift)%360; // Set hue from 0 to 360 from first to last led and shift the hue
ShiftPWM.SetHSV(led, hue, 255, 255); // write the HSV values, with saturation and value at maximum
delay(delayVal); // this delay value determines the speed of hue shift