If I google LED1202 Arduino, my results are mainly the led board I use.
Maybe I can ask my question differently:
All the time I played around with the led drive, I controlled the channels via the LED channel register 0x02 and 0x03. If I wanna control only one led from a specific channel, how do I do that?
Do I need to set a specific Bit in the configuration Register or something like that?
It’s my first time working with an LED drive so I am really lost
So, this is basically the same topic as the one you opened six days ago? Please ask a moderator to merge the topics, then we can proceed. Meanwhile, I'll go read that topic, to familiarize myself with it.
Just scanning-through the 54-page datasheet it says there are "8 programmable patterns" but I didn't find anything about loading a custom pattern. I may be there... it seems like it should be there... but it didn't jump-out at me.
I don't know if this will work for you, and it would mean scrapping what you have, but the most popular addressable LEDs are NeoPixels (WS2812, etc.).
Each LED has a built-in driver (so no additional electronics are required) and they are serially addressed with one data line so you can address/control a large number of LED depending on how much processor memory you have.
They come in strips, matrices, individually, and other configurations.
The addressing is "tricky" with one line carrying all of the information, and since they are serial they all have to be written-to, even if you just want to change one. But there are libraries that do the "heavy lifting".
I looked at the data sheet a bit more this time and found some information on setting individual LED’s. Section 4 starting on page nine of the sheet describes various abilities and functions. 4.4 shows how to selectively enable individual LED’s with a hyperlink to a page in section seven. You will probably want to set the intensity of the LED also. There are additional registers to accomplish that also. Like you said you have a bit of reading and digestion to do. Start as simple as you can and slowly build and test the capabilities of the board and your own understanding of it.
If you looked through the previous thread on this board you will see that there is a global address for all 4 1202 chips on your board plus 4 more addresses to allow access to the individual registers on each chip.
I dug a little bit deeper into this chip this time because it looks like one I might be interested in using down the road.
There are 12 channels, one for each output. That would be one LED. I suppose that more than 1 LED could be driven in series, but your board has only one per channel.