I am not a professional nor have any experience daeling with Arduino. We are doing a project and is thinking of attaching LED strips to the monster figure we make. Long story short it contains a lot of long LED strips. We are afraid that too many LEDs might screw up the arduino, and we can't really afford multiple Arduinos due to limited budget. I think I found a solution online which powers the LED with an external power source, but I am not sure if it is the right solution. Non of us have any experience with electronics so god help us. Thank you for reading all this.
Hi Andreew. My suggestion is to find a led driver like the following one.
To better understand the issue, you need a certain amount of current in order to make each led work. A driver allows you to use an external source to supply that current, but at the same time, allows you use an Arduino to make the driver ON or Off
What voltage do the strips need?
Before we can make any sensible suggestions we need to know the exact type of LED strips. There are different kinds and they require different drivers, control strategies and power supplies.
Also how many LEDs per strip and how many strips total. Vague data yields vague results.
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