Trouble with Brushless Motor

Hi guys !

currently im working on Collision Avoidance drone using Sharp IR sensor. im using FC APM2.8. i put a limit for the distance, if the drone detect object <=30cm the drone will move opposite direction.

right now i got some problem when im trying to fly the drone. just 3 of brushless motor that spin. i wonder why just 3 not 4 (all of them), here's my source code :

#include <Servo.h>
#include <SharpIR.h>
// Define model and input pin:
#define IRPin A0
#define IR2 A1
#define IR3 A2
#define IR4 A3
// #define IR A1
#define model 20150 /* Model :
  GP2Y0A02YK0F --> 20150
  GP2Y0A21YK0F --> 1080
  GP2Y0A710K0F --> 100500
  GP2YA41SK0F --> 430

byte lastch1, lastch2, lastch3, lastch4;
int rc1, rc2; // d8, d9, d10, d11
Servo outch1; //d11 roll
Servo outch2;//d12 pitch
unsigned long t1, t2, t3, t4;
int dist ; 
int dist2 ;
int dist3 ;
int dist4 ;
SharpIR mySensor = SharpIR(IRPin, model);
SharpIR mySensor2 = SharpIR(IR2, model);
SharpIR mySensor3 = SharpIR(IR3, model);
SharpIR mySensor4 = SharpIR(IR4, model);

void setup(){
PCICR |= (1 << PCIE0);                                                   
PCMSK0 |= (1 << PCINT0);  
PCMSK0 |= (1 << PCINT1);                                              
PCMSK0 |= (1 << PCINT2);
  outch1.attach(11); //roll
  outch2.attach(12); // nick
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

void loop(){

//   The Below Codes Reads the PWM value of Receiver
  if(lastch1 == 0 && PINB & B00000001){
    lastch1 = 1;
    t1 = micros();
  else if(lastch1 == 1 && ! (PINB & B00000001)){
    lastch1 = 0;
    rc1 = micros() - t1;
  if(lastch2 == 0 && PINB & B00000010){
    lastch2 = 1;
    t2 = micros();
  else if(lastch1 == 1 && ! (PINB & B00000010)){
    lastch2 = 0;
    rc2 = micros() - t2;

void printsignal(){
  if(dist <= 30){
    outch1.write(rc1= 1020);
    //Serial.print("object detected");
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
  else if(dist2 <=30){
  else {
    outch1.write(rc1 = rc1);
    digitalWrite(13, LOW);
  if(rc1 - 1480 < 0) Serial.print("<<<");
  else if(rc1 - 1520 >0) Serial.print(">>>");
  else Serial.print("-+-");
  // Serial.print(rc1);

  if(dist3 <= 30){ 
    outch2.write(rc2 = 1024);
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
  else if(dist4 <=30){
  else {
    outch2.write(rc2 = rc2);
    digitalWrite(13, LOW);
  if(rc2 - 1480 < 0) Serial.print("^^^");
  else if(rc2 - 1520 >0) Serial.print("vvv");
  else Serial.print("-+-");

void sensor(){
  dist = mySensor.distance();
  dist2 = mySensor2.distance();
  dist3 = mySensor3.distance();
  dist4 = mySensor4.distance();
  // Print the measured distance to the serial monitor:
 Serial.print("distance kanan: ");
  Serial.println(" cm\t");
 Serial.print("distance kiri: ");
  Serial.println(" cm");
  Serial.print("distance depan: ");
  Serial.println(" cm\t");
   Serial.print("distance belakang: ");
 Serial.println(" cm\t");
// Serial.print("\t");

If you move the connections between motors does the problem follow the connections or is it always the same motor ?

I assume that you are using ESCs to drive the motors so try the same swap trick with them. Does the problem follow the connections or is it always the same ESC ?

Incidentally, your code only seems to use 2 Servo objects, not 4 and you never write to them. Have you posted the correct sketch ?

  • when im not using arduino to read pwm it run perfectly

  • 2 channel(roll and pitch) is connected to arduino for collision avoidance. throttle and yaw is connected stright from receiver to FC

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