Trouble with cnc router

I have a CNC router engraver it uses the standard CNC 3018 controller I took it apart to put in limit switches put it back together make some modifications put it back together and nothing works now what should I try tried to hook it up to the computer and it's still will not connect with my candle software. Port open is all it says on the software computer sees it fine software does not find router

Try taking the limit switches back off, also check EVERY connection is fully seated and in the correct orientation.

I disconnected everything from the machine all limit switches all the other stuff replugged everything back in to make sure it's all secure and still candle says Port opened but still no communication with it. There is no green light on the motherboard to tell me that it's okay it's a possible that I blew the something in it.

How shall we know what actions you have taken?
How should we know if you might have done a wrong wiring shortening IO-pins
that destroy them ?
How should we know what kind of limit-switches you used without providing pictures and datasheets?

Post pictures of the controller,
post pictures of the controlling software

Is the 3018 capable of using limit switches?
can you provide a link to the manual of the 3018?

Nobody here has a glas-sphere to look into it to see and understand what you have done.
If you want to improve your CNC-router using an Arduino in conjunction with GRBL and a GRBL-CNC-shield might be easier.

Still this requieres a basic knowledge about electronics to change the wiring from your original 3018-motherboard

best regards Stefan

If you performed any actions whilst there was still power to the board you may have damaged it.
There are different versions of the 3018 so we would also have to know EXACTLY which one you have.
Some have embedded drivers and some have removable ones.
Some are Arduino UNO based with a shield and some are single board.
Some are NANO based too.

A link to what you have is vital as a starting point.
Also as Stefan has pointed out you need to go back to basics.
Maybe bring up / connect one axis at a time to rule out motor driver issues.
Don't forget that almost all motor drivers need to have the current limits set too.

Sounds very plausible.

the board is Annoy tools it has places on board for limit switches I bout a kit of 6 limit switches with wires I have tried to use other grbl controller software and they all say the same thing ( no data from com port )
tried to add photos don't know how sorry

If you have reached basic user-level you can just paste from the clipboard using Ctrl-C Ctrl-V into a posting

As long as you can't provide detailed information through pictures and links to the software or screenshots showing the software and a detailed description of how you try to get the connection working
the help is limited to a virtual hug saying "we feel with you that you are disapointed about the machine not working"

I'd like to help but it is only possible with more information.

best regards Stefan

Although based on a UNO the wiring system should be the same as these

This topic also has a plethora of CNC advice

thanks for the help i have tried all that you have suggested and still nothing works so i am trying to find a new board pricing on theses boards. Not sure where to buy one are all the boards the same or should i buy the one i had

If you don't want to analyse how every single wire is connected buy the an original board and follow the rules:

Connecting or disconnecting any wire only with power switched OFF
tripple-check if all wires are connected correctly

if you want to buy a different board you have to research how much voltage your power-supply has and how much current your steppers-motors pull.

The microcontroller and the CNC-world is not superstandardized like USB-devices
You have to take care of a lot more than just

"does the plug fit into the socket"

If you would take the time to post pictures a more detailed advice could be given.
But nobody here has a glas-sphere to look into to see all the technicals specs your CNC has.

best regards Stefan

hi I have am not a basic user-level yet so I can not post photo yet I would love to. know to try to tell you what I have tried I unplugged all the limit switches and the y motor tried to move but could not . took a vote meter and check the contacts wires on the limit switches and all of them work but the y limit witch can not connect to the y axis do not seam to work and the usb will not connect to the computer either and I thank that I tried to connect the limit witches when the board had power her is a photo of the board that I have if it you can see it

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That picture is no good to us as it is only a thumbnail.
Please follow Stefan's advice.

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