Trouble with receiving GPS data on UBLOX Neo-6M

Have you tried the UBX mode @ 57600Bd? I'm not at home. I can't see what library I use. I let it know this evening. I use this GPS.

Just 9600 baud rate since it is recommended by the GPS module itself.

Do you have a link to the module? See the datasheet on page 11. UBX is a possible protocol.

Can you test the GPS on a PC with an USB-RS232 converter and client like PUTTY? Every second there must be a NEMA or UBX sentence.

Look at your schematic. You have the GPS hooked up to D2 and D3.

Look at your code. You've told it that the GPS is hooked up to 6 and 5, i.e D6 and D5.

Already did that.

And its not working.

Yes and thats why I am wondering, what could be wrong.

Could be that the 3.3V logic signals from the GPS cannot be read properly by the 5V logic Nano.

Check the signal levels with a scope.

I use this library. Do you have a link to the module?

5V TTL 0 = between 0V and 0,8V. 1 = between 2V and VCC.

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Suggest you check the datasheets for the Ublox GPS and the processor used in the Nano, they will give you the actual voltage level limits.

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