Trouble with Serial.readBytes on Windows vs Linux

Hi all,

I've got this little .NET 6.0 program that sends a simple text string to the Arduino, that then processes this string and displays something on a TFT screen.

This all works when sending the string from a Windows computer - text is processed and shown correctly on the screen.

However, when this program is compiled and executed on the Linux machine (Ubuntu), the Arduino seems to simply crash and reboot.
I've done some logging code that saves some debug messages on a SD card, and I can tell that the code crashes exactly when the bytes are being read from Serial (no other log messages directly after that).

Note that this issue persists, regardless of the baudrate - I've tried everything between 9600 and 500000 :slight_smile:

Any insights?

Here's my arduino code for receiving data:

#include <arduino.h>
#include <SPI.h>             // f.k. for Arduino-1.5.2
#define USE_SDFAT
#include <SdFat.h>           // Use the SdFat library
#include <MCUFRIEND_kbv.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "RowData.h"

#error edit SdFatConfig.h .  READ THE SKETCH INSTRUCTIONS

SoftSpiDriver<12, 11, 13> softSpi; //Bit-Bang on the Shield pins SDFat.h v2
SdFat SD;
SdFile myFile;
#define SD_CS SdSpiConfig(10, DEDICATED_SPI, SD_SCK_MHZ(0), &softSpi)

MCUFRIEND_kbv tft;
const int bufferSize = 512; 

char buffer[bufferSize];
RowData* rowData = 0;
String* rowBuffer = 0;

void setup()
    if (!SD.begin(SD_CS)) SD.initErrorHalt();
    uint16_t ID;
    ID = tft.readID();
    log("Found TFT with ID:0x" + String(ID, HEX));
    if (ID == 0x0D3D3) ID = 0x9481;

    tft.setRotation(displayRotation); // Default: 0 (portrait)
    tft.setTextWrap(false); // Default: True
    tft.setTextSize(fontScale); // Default: 1

    log("Setup complete.");

void loop()
    log("Waiting for input...");

	while (!Serial.available());
	int bytesRead = Serial.readBytes(buffer, bufferSize);
	buffer[bytesRead] = '\0';

    log("Received " + String(bytesRead, DEC) + " bytes");
  int bytesRead = Serial.readBytes(buffer, bufferSize);
  buffer[bytesRead] = '\0';

bufferSize is 512 so bytesRead will be 512, but then you put a value into buffer[512] which does not exist

This is wrong whatever OS you are using

I'm not sure I know what you mean here...
I'm passing the maximum buffer size to Serial.readBytes so it won't cause a buffer overflow.
Serial.readBytes will read all available data up to 512 bytes, because the buffer can't hold anymore data than that. It then returns the size of the data read.
It is impossible to pass on the size of data to receive into Serial.readBytes as it is unknown at this point...
At least that's how I'm understanding it?
Also, bytesRead is never 512 when I manage to run it on the Windows platform - instead it matches perfectly the size of data sent through the serial.

It is not Serial.readBytes() that is causing the problem

What is the highest index number of the buffer array and which index number are you using when you do

buffer[bytesRead] = '\0';
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You could be accessing memory which is out of bounds, bytesRead may be equal to bufferSize which is 512, but buffer[512] is not within the bounds (0..511):

int bytesRead = Serial.readBytes(buffer, bufferSize - 1);
buffer[bytesRead] = '\0';
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Seems the line ending differences between Linux and Windows cause your problem.

Linux uses only one char, windows two.

Maybe you search for the wrong delimiter.

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I totally see your point here....
If bytesRead is 512 and I'm trying to set buffer[512] to \0 that will of course cause an index out of range, since the last slot in buffer is 511...

I will try to alter that right away - good catch :smiley:

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And also have in mind that a line ending in windows is "\r\n" whereas it is "\n" in Linux as suggested by @Whandall. When parsing the content received from .readBytes(), simply ignore '\r' and use '\n' as line ending.

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This is also a good point, but I'm not processing line endings at all in my code, so these should be completely irrelevant :slight_smile:

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What's the rest of your loop()?

Did you compile and upload the Arduino code on the Linux system or is your Arduino running the code that was loaded using a Windows system?

What is your mystery .NET program?

The mystery .NET program is irrelevant as I have just tried to boil it down to the bare minimums...

For this purpose, here's the Arduino code:

#include <arduino.h>
#include <SPI.h>             // f.k. for Arduino-1.5.2
#define USE_SDFAT
#include <SdFat.h>           // Use the SdFat library
#include <MCUFRIEND_kbv.h>
#include "config.h"

#error edit SdFatConfig.h .  READ THE SKETCH INSTRUCTIONS

SoftSpiDriver<12, 11, 13> softSpi; //Bit-Bang on the Shield pins SDFat.h v2
SdFat SD;
SdFile myFile;
#define SD_CS SdSpiConfig(10, DEDICATED_SPI, SD_SCK_MHZ(0), &softSpi)

MCUFRIEND_kbv tft;
const int bufferSize = 512; 

char buffer[bufferSize];

void setup()
    if (!SD.begin(SD_CS)) 
        Serial.print("SD Error!");
    uint16_t ID;
    ID = tft.readID();
    log("Found TFT with ID:0x" + String(ID, HEX));
    if (ID == 0x0D3D3) ID = 0x9481;

    tft.setRotation(displayRotation); // Default: 0 (portrait)
    tft.setTextWrap(false); // Default: True
    tft.setTextSize(fontScale); // Default: 1

    log("Setup complete.");

void loop()
    log("Waiting for input...");

    while (!Serial.available());

    int bytesRead = Serial.readBytes(buffer, bufferSize - 1);
    buffer[bytesRead] = '\0';	

    log("Received " + String(bytesRead, DEC) + " bytes");

And the .NET code:

class Program
    private static Settings _settings = new();

    public static void Main(params string[] args)
        IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()

        _settings = config.GetRequiredSection("Settings").Get<Settings>();
        if (_settings == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.RomBaseDir))
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid or missing appsettings.json file");


static class Test
	public static void Run(Settings settings)
		foreach (var comport in settings.GraphicsDisplayComPorts)
				using (var sp = new SerialPort())
					sp.PortName = comport; // /dev/ttyACM0 for linux - COM8 for Windows
					sp.BaudRate = settings.BaudRate; // 9600
					sp.WriteLine("Test string");
			catch (Exception e)
				Console.WriteLine("Failed to communicate with display on port " + comport + ":");

These produce the exact same results: it works when the .NET program is run from Windows, but crashes the Arduino when run from Linux.

Unfortunately, this didn't fix it :frowning:

Please post your full revised sketch

Here's the Arduino sketch:

#include <arduino.h>
#include <SPI.h>             // f.k. for Arduino-1.5.2
#define USE_SDFAT
#include <SdFat.h>           // Use the SdFat library

#error edit SdFatConfig.h .  READ THE SKETCH INSTRUCTIONS

SoftSpiDriver<12, 11, 13> softSpi; //Bit-Bang on the Shield pins SDFat.h v2
SdFat SD;
SdFile myFile;
#define SD_CS SdSpiConfig(10, DEDICATED_SPI, SD_SCK_MHZ(0), &softSpi)

const uint32_t baudRate = 9600;
const int bufferSize = 512; 
char buffer[bufferSize];

void setup()
    if (!SD.begin(SD_CS)) 
        Serial.print("SD Error!");
    log("Setup complete.");

void loop()
    log("Waiting for input...");

	while (!Serial.available());
	int bytesRead = Serial.readBytes(buffer, bufferSize - 1);
    buffer[bytesRead] = '\0';	

    log("Received " + String(bytesRead, DEC) + " bytes");

void log(String text)

    if (!"log.txt", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_AT_END )) SD.errorHalt("opening log.txt for write failed");

And the C# code:

    class Program
        private static Settings _settings = new();

        public static void Main(params string[] args)
            IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()

            _settings = config.GetRequiredSection("Settings").Get<Settings>();
            if (_settings == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.RomBaseDir))
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid or missing appsettings.json file");

            foreach (var comport in _settings.GraphicsDisplayComPorts)
		            using (var sp = new SerialPort())
			            sp.PortName = comport; // /dev/ttyACM0 for linux - COM8 for Windows
			            sp.BaudRate = _settings.BaudRate; // 9600
			            sp.WriteLine("Test string");
	            catch (Exception e)
		            Console.WriteLine("Failed to communicate with display on port " + comport + ":");

What do you understand by "Arduino"? Is it an Uno or a Nano or something else? Try to modify this in loop():

//while (!Serial.available()); //Do not do this

if (Serial.available())
  int bytesRead = Serial.readBytes(buffer, bufferSize - 1);
  buffer[bytesRead] = '\0';	
  log("Received " + String(bytesRead, DEC) + " bytes");

I have several Arduino models :slight_smile:

The ones running this particular code are Uno and Mega 2560 - I do have Nano33 IoT but they are sporting a different microcontroller (SAMD21) and are not fully compatible with the TFT libraries I need for the TFT screen.

I have been running a similar sketch on the Nano 33 IoT with a LCD instead, and that works perfectly fine on Linux as well as Windows - the data is sent perfectly fine and displayed on the LCD....

Character in the Serial output buffer don't always get sent when a sketch crashes. I suggest adding "Serial.flush();" just after Serial.println() in log().


You should not use the "String" class / data type on AVR based MCU's like the Uno and Nano since that alone may cause crashes. Are you sure that the arduino crashes and reboots? Have you tried to blink the internal LED upon boot to be sure?

void setup()
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

Will blink 3 times when booted.

Or comment out that Serial.println() since there is nothing that receives it in the other end. The serial connection is terminated after written to in C#, so the arduino is essentially writing to a closed connection.


yes I am absolutely positive it reboots, as per the log functionality it writes to the log file whenever setup() is done being executed.

I can see in my logs that the entry "Setup complete." shows up again and again :slight_smile:

I will add the blink functionality to make it more physically visible when it reboots instead of having to confirm by checking SD logs, just for comfort - thanks for the advice :slight_smile:

Here's log output:

Setup complete.
Waiting for input...
Setup complete.
Waiting for input...
Setup complete.
Setup complete.
Waiting for input...
Setup complete.
Waiting for input...
Setup complete.

Something just came to mind; Is the Arduino not being reset when a serial connection to it is opened? Maybe the serial connections on Windoze are persistent and on Linux they are not, that would explain the behavior..

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