So the USB/serial connection on my Arduino Duemilanove died. No data can go through it and it won't provide power to the board.
Besides that, the board seems to be working fine. None of the components feel hot.
So how can I fix this? And what would have caused this? I have a 6v external power supply to the board and would connect the usb to the board once in awhile to update the software.
Hi, I'm a software guy working towards the hardware, but I'll do my best to begin.
USB may provide power or power+communication. Have you isolated if it is your Arduino's USB or your PCs USB which is powerless?
Try plugging the Arduino into the USB of another PC to see if it gets power.
Also, try another USB device where you normally connect the Arduino to see if it gets power, like an MP3 player/mobile phone/memory stick/etc.
When you know you have USB power at the connector, and if you have a multimeter, you may trace the power through the resettable fuse F1 and the Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) T1 pin-2. Then out on pin-3. This is the main 5v net on the board.
it's definitely the ardiuno's usb port. My computer's usb is fine.
And I tried plugging it to another computer. Nothing...
I had a crazy idea the USB WIRE might be dead somehow.. I tried another wire and that was the problem. I've never heard of wire breaking down but I guess that's it. Problem solved.