I wasn’t quite sure where to post this so my apologies if it’s in the wrong place. I built up a Jolli Factory Slomo frame and things aren’t exactly how they should be I don’t think. The electromagnet is vibrating (although I’m not sure the pot is co trolling the frequency). The obvious issue is the lack of LED strobing.
Can anyone maybe point me to the troubleshooting steps I should take to figure out what’s not right here?
Hello MacboyCanada,
I would think no one can help you because you've provided next to no information about what you have and what problems you are experiencing. Please read the Forum guidelines and provide the information asked for.
Thank you.
I have to say, every time I reach out to this forum there’s is this prevalent feeling I’m given that I’m not wanted here. Your post is typical. Thank you for your time in replying. Perhaps I’m missing some compassion that one cannot add through inflection because of the communication method being used here through forum posts.
I think what I mean to say is even a “Hey man, we’d love to help but need to know more, have a look here for the info you could post that’ll help us help you” would be more welcoming than “no one can help you”. But this is just my interpretation of your reply and I could be completely missing the intended inflection.
Just felt the need to clarify why I feel I’m not welcome here all the time. I’m just trying to learn. Nobody likes being told in essence they should know better, why do you not know how to post here.
It would help if your first posts included some information, like a link to the thing, any schematics you might have, pictures of it.
Perry has just stated the obvious. I doubt many here have any idea what a jolly factory slomo is. I know I don't.
I apologize. I understand you guys probably see this all the time people hopping in for a quick fix but offering no preamble. Guilty. I think I’m having an off day so no harm intended Perry (and the entirety of the Arduino forum community). I’ll do my homework and post back.
Have you reached out to the jolliFactory guys? I have found them really helpful in the past, and they will be immediately familiar with what Slomo is and what problems can arise.