True or False game

Hi there!
I'm starting to use arduino and im also newbie in programming.. =(

I'm trying to make an "arduino bomb" based on a true or false game.

My goal is to attach a 16x2 display + 2 push buttons + servomotor.

Display shows the question and if the wrong choice is made, servo runs with a needle in it to blow up a baloon.

I'm having problems with the code. My buttons are not working. Can any1 help me to find any mistakes?

Thank you all!!

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);

int truepin = 7;
int truepinstate = LOW;
int falsepin = 8;
int falsepinstate = LOW;

void setup() {

pinMode(truepin, INPUT);
pinMode(falsepin, INPUT);

  lcd.begin(16, 2); 
  lcd.print("       VERDADEIRO OU FALSO?");
  for (int posicao = 0; posicao < 15; posicao++)

void loop() {
 lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
 lcd.print("Pergunta 1");
 lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
 lcd.print("    O numero atomico do hidrogenio e 2?");
       for (int posicao = 0; posicao < 23; posicao++)
truepinstate = digitalRead(truepin);
falsepinstate = digitalRead(falsepin);

if (truepinstate == HIGH &&  falsepinstate == LOW)
    lcd.print("Muito bem!");
  else if (truepinstate == LOW && falsepinstate == HIGH)
pinMode(truepin, INPUT);
pinMode(falsepin, INPUT);

Got pull-up or pull-down resistors?

When you say your buttons aren't working, what do you mean? Describe the symptom. Just saying something doesn't work is pretty useless to someone who isn't there with you to see it.

Are you holding your button down long enough to get through all those delay calls and get back to the line that reads the button? Delay is not your friend if you want thing to be responsive to input.

Its a pullup button.. Its supposed to change the display question and move a micro servo. Sorry about that, im new here and also using the Arduino!

Thanks for your the advices!

Its a pullup button..

So you need a pull down resistor, 10K should do.

Its a pullup button.. Its supposed to change the display question and move a micro servo. Sorry about that, im new here and also using the Arduino!

Thanks for your the advices!

Show your wiring. Answer the rest of the questions.