Trying to connect debugger to esp32 in arduino ide

I ma trying to connect debugger to esp32(esp32 wroom -32).
I have followed all the steps according to the vidoes avaible in internet (one among them is "How to use the PlatformIO debugger on the ESP32 using an ESP-prog - YouTube"). When I am tryinng to flash my esp32 connected with debugger it is not possible. i am facing the error as

Flashing of the code is possible only if i disconnect the debugger.
Please help me in solving this issue

Welcome to the forum

Which IDE and version are you using ?

PlatformIO is not Arduino IDE, see PlatformIO Community for help with PlatformIO. Understand that right now PlatofrmIO support may be hiding from bombs, so response time may be a bit slow.

thank you
I am using the latest version Arduino IDE.
I am not able to flash and debug the program. In platform io I am using Arduino framework.

Then it is perhaps no surprise that following instructions to use a debugger with PlatformIO is not helpful

I tried all the ways
I am not able to flash the code with debugger

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