Hi, im trying to install a newer version headlight to my car. My problem is that the old headlight was analog and the new seems to be hybrid of analog and digital. I can power on the low beam and turn signal with only analog signals. But the led strip DRL and High beam seems to be digital and im not getting it to turn on. What i have tried is using the Arduino UNO and a regulator to get 14 volts. I only used simple code to turn the signal to HIGH (ON). But the headlight dont seem to understand it.
So does anyone have any tips to what i can do to make the "brain" inside the headlight understand that its time to turn on the light.
So i basically is trying to make a analog to digital converter for the high beam and led strip. I have tried for a long time but im new to this, all help is very much appreciated.
I suggest you begin by learning the basics of electronics, do some tutorials, build some basic circuits. Learn the difference between analog and digital, the purpose of regulators and analog to digital converters and so on. From your question, I believe you do not yet understand the meaning of purpose of the concepts you mention.
Hi, thats exactly what i have done. And i understand the basics. I have made a analog input to output digital and played around with both analog and digital. But i need some guidance to what i should do next to understand how the circuits in the headlight work.
That is going to be tricky because, not being members of the car design team, none of us here have any idea whatsoever of the circuit in the headlight that you have there.
What you are proposing is called "reverse engineering", requires quite a bit of experience and most importantly, having the system in question in front of us for critical examination.