I a recently did a Arduino Arpeggiator project for my Moog Werkstatt synth that I found at the following link.
I got everything to work just as shown in the video and understand enough to modify the sequence to how I want it but now I want to do more. I was hoping I could do a multi position switch (rotary 8 pole) that would select 8 different sequences. Is there anyone willing to help me figure out how to do this? I'm really pretty lost when it comes to coding so please dumb any advise down as much as possible.
I plan to use a teensy 3.2 board.
I was originally thinking maybe having 8 different Arpeggiators always running on different output pins and the rotary switch would select which one would be sent to the synth. But I'm sure the better way would be to write an If/Then statement that looks for an input from the switch and then selects which sequence to run. It really seems like this code should be fairly simple but I really have no idea on how go about writing it.
Anyone feeling like helping me out on this? I'd really appreciate any help I could get.
#include <werkstatt.h>
arpeggiator arpeggiator(6); //initiate and name the arpeggiator class (Output pin)
notes are assigned in intervals: tonic, minor2nd, major2nd, minor3rd,
major3rd, fourth, tritone, fifth, minor6th, major6th, minor7th,
major7th, octave.
int notes[] = {tonic, octave}; // VCO EXP config
// note values: w, h, q, qt, e, et, sx, sxt, th, sxf
int note_values[] = {e, e}; //VCO EXP config
void setup() {
void loop() {
for (int i = 0; i < ( sizeof(notes)/sizeof(int) ); i++)
//define a BPM and run the arpeggiator.play function
arpeggiator.play(140, notes[i], note_values[i]);