Trying to extract numbers out of unsigned long, Please help.

What I'm trying to do should be easy and I've tried multiple approaches. I'm trying to extract specific numbers out of a longer number.Say I have a variable that's 123456789 and I want a read out of just the 456 part of that number. Thanx in advance.

Assuming that the number you showed is in decimal then:-
lastThree = number % 1000;

What about getting just the middle three numbers?

Take the modulus of the bit you want, and then divide to remove the lower significant places.

Forgive me, I'm a little new. That kinda went over my head. What would the code look like?

Take the modulus of the bit you want,

Like I showed you to in the first example only this time for the first 6 places:-

lastSix = number % 1000000;

and then divide to remove the lower significant places.

isolate = lastSix / 1000;

Thanx a bunch!!!