Trying to issue commands to stepper motors appears to fail

#include <AccelStepper.h>
// Define some steppers and the pins the will use
AccelStepper stepper1(AccelStepper::FULL2WIRE, 2, 5);
AccelStepper stepper2(AccelStepper::FULL2WIRE, 3, 6);
void setup()
  //EG STEP SIZE 800: SPEED800==30 RPM SPEED1600== 60 RPM SPEED3200== 120RPM

  //120 RPM

    //20 RPM 533

  Serial.println("Enter '1' to Start. Enter '0' to Stop ");
void loop()
 if (Serial.available())
    char ch =;
    if (ch == '1')
       if (stepper1.distanceToGo() == 0)
    else if (ch == '0')

Essentially I'm new. I'm trying to give commands to start and stop the motors. I set the moveTo really high so they run for however long I need them to. Everytime I entire '1' nothing happens. However if I send it 2-3 times, the motors seemingly die. As in their Amp draw cuts in half and nothing happens. I cannot even test entering '0' because the motors aren't even moving.

Specs: Arduino Uno
2 MySweety TB6600 drivers
2 Stepper motors
1 30V 10A max power supply
The motors are powered in parallel but they're 4 wire bipolar stepper motors.

The run() method needs to be called on EVERY pass through loop(), NOT just when there is serial data to read AND the serial data is the right value.

If the motor is not at the commanded position AND it is time to step, run() will make the motor take one step.

If the motor is not at the commanded position AND it is not time to step, run() will do nothing.

If the motor is at the commanded position, run() will do nothing.

Ah. So it appears that I need to have the motors move to a certain position before being able to change their on/off state or speed. Would you happen to know of any workaround for that? I'd like them to run continuously until I tell them to stop without any pause as they hit their intended position

So it appears that I need to have the motors move to a certain position before being able to change their on/off state or speed.

You don't need to make the steppers move to a position before you can set the speed. Steppers are either stepping, or they are not. They are NOT on or off.

I would guess that you are trying to use a stepper for a purpose other than that which it was intended.

What stepper motor and what stepper motor driver are you using?

The run() function uses acceleration. Maybe you should use the runSpeed() function which does not.

Or maybe there is no great advantage in using the AccelStepper library?

These links may help
Stepper Motor Basics
Simple Stepper Code

It is much easier to give useful advice if you describe the project you are trying to implement.
