Trying to make a DBZ lamp

Finally getting around to doing this project and im to the lighting part of it and not having much luck really and wonder if what i want done can be. I am looking to make the neopixels fully light blue but has white and darker blue pulsed chasing down the length. From what bit of playing around I have managed to make work the "rainbow" effect would be perfect if it was just shades of blue and white. any ideas?

any ideas?

Are you asking the Arduino forum or facebook? We are more likely to have the answers. But, you have to post your code HERE.

im asking in arduino forums but showing what im trying to get at on FB. people that know DBZ will instantly know the effect im trying to achieve

people that know DBZ will instantly know the effect im trying to achieve

Will those people have a clue what Arduino is, and how to use it to produce whatever effect you are after?

if you can view this, this is basically what im looking to achieve. A blue beam with white pulses rippling down it at high speeds

I tried doing a very high speed wipe of like 5 variants of blue and a single white but it seemed to lock up the program the instant it started running. I think the delay of 1 between the shifts is to much for it because i had no issues with 5 delay. but that was way to slow.

You only used 10 neopixels LED, will these RGB or RGBW?

if you can view this, this is basically what im looking to achieve. A blue beam with white pulses rippling down it at high speeds

If you want blue beam with white pulses rippling down it at high speeds then you need RGBW.

You only used 10 neopixels LED, will these RGB or RGBW?

If you want blue beam with white pulses rippling down it at high speeds then you need RGBW.

Ah. right now I only have RBG strips. was planning on doing like 2 meters of the 60 count pixels. and yea i wasnt even sure i could have a blue and white chaser going down the strip at the same time. or it be always blue with a white chaser pulse thing.


If you want blue beam with white pulses rippling down it at high speeds then you need RGBW.

If you use RGB, isn't white just all three ON?
Looking at the video link, Blue/White flashes as well as Red/White etc.

Or do you need whiter than white, which is understandable with the "Dragon Ball Z" theme.

Tom... :slight_smile:

ok oddly enough i plugged in what i had to try and tinker some more with it and also get the code and for whatever reason it actually seems to be working fairly well. its not locking up and the white pulsing is doing fairly good. If you want i can still pull the code and post it here.

I think the only way it would be smoother is if i could make a "rainbow" effect but with just blues and whites